
234 Decks, 150 Comments, 27 Reputation

Man i used to run a nasty NASTY!!!!_Rafiq deck. Im not sure how budget your deck is but there are some cards that are just monsters that can absolutley break backs. so to the build...
so first the swords...all of them. double sword activations are insane. the protection it offers means it is a pain in the A** to get rid of him. it makes him way harder to block.

Secondly land destruction. I know i know but hear me out. when you decided to LD on people, the game will be over very shortly after, if they dont concede first. so you equip like two swords that allow you to get through to each opponent and then you land wipe. with safety you swing kill everyone. No one will mind when the game ends quickly afterwords. other cards that are good in this department are static orb winter orb and sunder. All of them are good.

Berserk. It is usually a one shot and its very fast. doubles power then gives trample for one mana. yes you have to sac at end of turn but if you bounce him or remove him or just win it doesnt matter. its a great card.

umezawa's jitte, getting multiple counters on this thing means one shots removal and sometimes much needed life gain.

cephalid constable. If you hit with one sword equiped and rafiq out that persons game is over. bounce seven permanents of your choice is insanity.

. pridemage is really good, puresteel paladin is really good. phyrexian metmorph is insane copy there artifacts copy yours. stoneforge mystic is incredible. trygon predator is awesome and scary as hell to a ton of decks. if you decide to go euips then stone hewer is monster. rancor is crazy, so is angelic destiny.
i would echoing truth when fighting token decks because they can really beat face. silent arbiter is nuts. grand arbiter is great. inquisitors flail is sweet. mox opal would be awesome

temporal manipulation would be good sometimes you just need that attack step to win. timewarp would be the only other to use. eternal witness and regrowth to get key bits back. genesis would be good, spellskite would be awesome, phantasmal image. vesuvan plus brine elemental would be awesome because it allows you a window which you can sneak through for the lethal. spell skite protects general. like a body guard and steal buffs good and bad all go to spell skite. umm...i feel like im just ruining rafiq.

heres the thing to remember rafiq is awesome in power. if you use him and arent ready to deal with his level of aggro dont play him. if you play him play a very strong and resilent version with a few strong counters.

Posted 27 May 2013 at 06:30 as a comment on Exalted EDH


i see that what was suppossed to be helpful came off as offensive. i apology for that. this is my thinking, getting stuck at a table getting beat is a terrible game of magic. watching everything that i do or try to do get blown up is terrible magic. losing alot of games is not fun. you dont have to win all, but atleast some. My play group is competetive.

so to say it differently, if you would like to hear some suggestions for how i would run a azusa deck here you go...

Azusa gets alot of hate because there are versions of her out there of her that are absolutley dumb. Saying your not that kinda deck wont convince them and they will beat your face like your running t1.

blightsteel is good because its kills them if the dont answer like right now. ..
darksteel wont win you the game because you can run about a billion ways to negate what he does, blockers, and fog, life gain. infect is much trickery. because if they block a blight steel it will kill their indestructible, it will weaken their huge monster and it will one shot anyone who gets hit regardless of life. the reason why darksteel isnt as good is because you have access to exile and tuck abilities that other formats dont. also there are a ton of ways to get infinet life making damage from creatures that isnt infinte moot. now is that saying its usless, deffinetly not the ability darksteel is good ability. if exile and tucking isnt in your format then you should be fine.

azusa runs (or should) run almost entirely forest. She is an absolute house because she can effectively time walk for the first couple of turn (ramp). she should also run like 40 lands somewhere around there. terrastodon is so good and so crucial because its a huge beater and 3 vindicates for 8 mana. why thats good is because you have multiple opponents and it can save your life. that being said i havent scene wood fall melira before and that is a baller combo. so i stand corrected. i also respect your choice because there are cards i should use(armageddon) that i refuse to also :P

the swords are monster and i would prefer them over cloak because it gives you protection and a bunch of cool abilities that green needs. so untapping all lands shooting creatures drawing cards are all things you need to do. whisper gives you shroud and unblockable but its a better card in decks that win through general damage. ill take ten to the face and not panic, its relatively a 5/5 in standard. with the amount of removal in the format plus, the fact that we have forty life, and because you have 3 opponents + makes whisper silk not as intimidating.
Dont get me wrong when your down to ten and your facing a whisper silked 10/10 beater it is scary but so is one that when it hits he can untap all his lands and make me discard a card. thing of it as a harder to remove seedbourne.

miko being politics is something i can see and appreciate but here is the problem, you enemies as a whole (because the all still want to win the game i assume) draw three to your one. and they dont have to use any mana to do it. thats card disadvantage unless you have some devious way of making them pay for it because i have seen cards like this be a complete kick in the nuts. but yours isnt punishing them so i am thinking there is other options. not woodfall priming their crap when you (should) could is politics. I see you have that, well i wont blah if you agree to blah. you break something get a creaute plus the gratitude of someone at the board and have leverage if they start winning and you need the break. politics the other way is how you lose(not always but its a bad habit i have a had to break to...howling mine i miss you.)

if you want to see my azusa deck its

Posted 09 May 2013 at 02:40 in reply to #349077 on Azusa (dream deck)


this is a bad deck dont buy it. it would a long time to explain all the reasons, but for the easiest way for you to intimatley understand whats wrong with it. proxy it up and battle.

Posted 07 May 2013 at 05:30 as a comment on Sen EDH


wheres the momentus fall, minds eye, survival of the fittest, natural order, genesis wave. i might run fecuntity also.(draw card when creature dies) azusa needs cards like nobodies business so you can keep dropping lands and threats everyturn.

darksteel is not very good, blight steel is decent, but you should run the fattest green beaters possible. hunters insight might be dope a feast and f, plus fire and i could bothe be could for color protection and utility. prismatic omen is an auto out
terrastodon, sylvan primordial, ditch chord of calling, add roffelos. melira seems mediocre with the only thing being cauldron of souls. shes a combo beast and thats about unless infect is a serious thing for your group i would say lose it. crater hoof seems to be another monster card that could go in. joiner is pointless, as your mono green.....tabernacle is out of place and a waste of money ghost town is not good, i never support miko with out consecrated really....ditch tower ditch cloak ditch closet, you dont run many etbs. you can keep spine but it seems sub par. isee your sacking it but its really kinda lame.

it would take along time to fix this deck in writing. net deck something better, it just needs some work. :) good luck

Posted 07 May 2013 at 05:23 as a comment on Azusa (dream deck)


zombie tribal!!! never get enough of that. no shepard of rot thou...
suggestions, no skaab, a terrible card for zombies. you dont need the fast zombie in edh, you can afford to weight the extra turn. plus it doesnt have any effects besides the exile ability. which really only hurts you.'
there are better reanimate cards, for cheap.
i also dont see how you benefitt from grimgrin hear, who is an absolutle hog.

Posted 10 February 2013 at 08:12 as a comment on Grimgrin EDH


exsanguinate for 40 LOL!
im not gonna lie, dark realms seems like a mediocer sub for lily veil. lower cost, sacs creatures controls there hand with a proper ulti. idk she just seems a little better.

Posted 10 February 2013 at 08:04 as a comment on Geth, Lord of Mill


looks like alot of fun, karador seems like a perfect fit for your dredge theme. karador doesnt really seem nessacary which is always a plus.
to be honest this deck had a lot of cool interactions but when i saw lord of extinction in there being such an auto included that it is. i was a little disappointed...just because there was no trickery to it, it's just to vanilla. but not a bad card or option and seeign as i dont have a replacement for it without really thinking about it. i guess i cant really talk.

anyways check out my riku edh deck if you got the chance. i havent been able to play test it yet so am looking for some other interesting things that can be done with riku. non infinte and not taking extra turns.

Posted 10 February 2013 at 07:52 as a comment on Ghosts of Dredge


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 10:07 as a comment on Slivers


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 10:03 as a comment on Slivers


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 10:00 as a comment on Slivers EDH


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:59 as a comment on Sliver Overload (EDH)


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:55 as a comment on EDH Sliver test


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:53 as a comment on Sliver EDH - Please Critique


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:48 as a comment on [EDH] Sliver Storm - Complete!


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:44 as a comment on EDH Sliver


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:40 as a comment on EDH Slivers


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:37 as a comment on EDH (Sliver)


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:35 as a comment on Sliver EDH


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:32 as a comment on EDH Slivers


Checkmy sliver deck for a different competitive variation.

Posted 06 February 2013 at 09:23 as a comment on EDH Slivers


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