no endrek sahr. he goes crazy in thrull decks
lol, thats how i learned. My friend is playing olivia right now and that deck is scary good. and annoying because she keeps jacking my creatures.
i love painful quandry. That card is an absolute house.
oh yeah deffinatley. espeacilly if you loan it out to a to have some back up. are your other decks on your profile?
seriously? wow man thanks. that measn alot. i worked really hard and for a long time to get that deck build. and for someone to come along and appreciat the fruits of my labor is a huge compliment. besides that i dont have have alot of suggestions, the deck looks very good and has all the pieces. enjoy man, its a blast.
i would go prgenitus over child. you need to build around child alot more and nothing will get you hated more quickly then blowing everyones shit up.
im not raining on your parade. group hug dewck can facilitate some of the best magic games ever. just not in the way people noramally think of it. please read to the end to make sense . Here's the thing i would suggest to you, just as something to keep in mind. some people hate group hugs decks and others love them. the reason why peopel hate them because inevitably you will be helping someout more then others and that can feel a little unfair. if your making everyone draw cards then the aggro deck will just beat people down. and if your giving everyone mana the combo deck goes crazy, if you slow everyone down the control deck flourishes. Solution pack alot of unique disruption and chaos.2. MTG is inheritantly a strategy game. this game is based off self interest. like if he was winning super hard and you and your now team mate are trying to survive and find an answer and you fog on his behalf. ok cool. but if hes just doing general beats and you disrupting it can get kinda annoying and make them see you as an obstacle to defeat instead of a facilitator of fun. Solution, look like your actively pursing a goal. not just crazy but something tangible, like not die to this or set up for that. 3.Favoritism, the biggest downfall of group hug is someone gets saved at one moment then later in the game the guy you save goes for the kill and you just dont happen to have the cards in hand to HUG him. And they are going to think, i wouldnt have lost this game if you would have let me kill him. instead im losing for no reason. He disrupts me from killing all game and then i just lose to such and such deck. how annoying. it will most likely not be your fault. sometimes you just dont have the cards. but when they review the game in there head to see where it went wrong, its not going to be there plays. Well, besides i should have killed group hug first. solution, give help but let it kind of feel coincidental. to stop aggro ensnaring bridge. it helps the table it prolongs the game and theres an element of self interest there, or meek stone. control deck, play planar chaos, uba mask, grip of chaos, kataki wars wage, things that help you but also keep them in check. also for combo strangle hold works great, tefferi puzzle box, other cant search libarary cards. leyline of the void to slow down reanimator, but all those cards help you. mikokoro, temple bell, baby jace, wheel of fortune, long games, interesting games with lots of back and fourth, but at the same time no one can really complain because it was your strategy to win...kinda lol. hope this helped. Also sorry about the grammar and spelling i know it can be distracting.
no zedru, hes like the gift god. is there an attempt to win in this deck or is it just to make some interesting games. group hug can win games to
hope it helped
so first i would want a creature based ramp package. that seems like it would be awesome because in the early game they would acceralte you while your trying to establish board presence and later the can be eaten for cheap. also got to have alot of it otherwise its not ramp you know. So birds of paradise, llanowar elves, elvish mystic, fydhorn elves, elves of deep shadow, bloom tender,oh the myrs would be aesome, so copper leaden and iron.that may seem like alot but your in a 100 card deck you may only see two. but you need to see them. vital. it means shattergang comes out earlier and doesnt allow boards to get eastblished before hes wrecking things.also i like junk diver and myr retrievers for this deck. its recurssion and its low cmc and its gets either creatures or artifacts. Whoa.skull clamp screams at me for this deck. same with bitterblossom but those are a little more pricey, but the constantly provide sac and draw for the things you sac.mindslicer seems just dumb with this deck. you may think why would i want to discard my hand, well you have board control, they arent doing shit. removing there hand seems like a great way to establish just back breaking advantage.phyrexian reclimation, volrath stronghold for recurion, also i kinda like a reanimator sub theme for the deck. kokusho seems legit because your going to get some hate. acidic slime, seems gross to keep bringign back into play. flesh bag seem awful to keep bringing back into playas for enchantments,, rancor also seems good, fallen ideal seems really good, also aspect of mongoose seems awesome because these are all cards that are good not being sacrificed. but mainly i would just throw in a couple of enchant removal, revent silence, all oppo gain six life cast for free destroy all enchants. or spring cleaning seems good.artifact, spine of ish sah, nighthowler seems really good.scarecrone also seems good, trading post is always good. also good old smokestax. if you dont know this card read it slowly and carefully. theres a reason its a legacy beast. cliff notes version, you increase the soot counters after you choose to sac so you sac one they sac two. and you dont have to sac the turn after it comes into play because you stack the triggers to look for soot then add counter. also you dont have to increase soot counters. amzing for this deck.awakening zone seems good, its ramp, its an enchant to sack it produce creature with grave pact. ggjeeze the more i look into it the better this guy seems, contamination, garruck wldspeaker make dudes to sac ramp, low cmc, squirrels nest and earthcraft combination seems good because both pieces seperatley are totally playable for you. and does living plane seems a little insane to you. just start creature sacing there life away. then theres life from the loam which would be awesome crucible of worlds of you could get your hands on it, also dust bowl seems awesome, winter orb seems awesome, strip mine seems awesome. Braids cabal minion and goblin welder make this deck pretty oppressive, while welder makes the deck pretty hard to stop.|now you definatley need some draw, i would go with fecundity, skull clamp, phyrexian arena, might not be able to get a hold of sylvan library but if you can do it aweosme investment, dark prophecy, underworld connections isnt great but if you have to it can work, memory jar with welder or any other artifact recurssion is just nuts.. tutors would be great for consistency. demonic tutor, diabolic edict, diabolic tutor, sounds dumb but its insane is tainted pact, there's definatley a place for yawgmoths will in here. vengevine, lord of extinction.ok my brain hurts now lol.
maze of ith is always worth it. that card is just So SO good. but there are some of the budget versions that are also very says creature deals no damage the other exiles and brings it back. so i take it your strictly casual but just want a decent deck. ok, well this deck seems like it wants to just be an oppressive f tard, which im all for sigarda, toxic deluge is awesome, kagemaro, blacksun, damnation, blasphemous act. tons of ways to kill that chick.since i dont know what kind of "budget" your working with ill just think of cards that come to my head.
theoritcally. how much money would you spend on this deck. is it meant for 1 vs1 or multiplayer. are you tied to any themes. whats the meta where you play consist of. respond and i will try to help you out. :)
yeah man no problem. you just got to be careful. decks like this get to be so consistent that it can get annoying for your opponents. good luck man.
my play group is alot of control decks. one guy is playing porphurous in a krenko deck. no sharuum, its mainly to disrupt early sol ring anti tempo and blowing up caged suns.
deglamer is good, i would put in nantulo vigilante and seal of primordium first though. but i depends on play group.seal for the psychological impact and once played can only be stopped with stifle and nantulo vigilante because its a morph ability which means it doesnt se the staack and its instant speed.
omnath is really good for ramping into abusrd i would put in. elf sub theme so rofellos, jorga treespeaker, elvish arch druid, elvish mystiv, llanowar elves, feirce empath for the big creatures, fyndhorn elves, preist fo titania, it may seem crazy but sylvan safekeeper is ridculously good. sacing lands in edh is no problems espeacilly with how much land you produce. and forone mana and an elf.yikes. tons of other stuff.
thank god you built the unbroken version of this guy. i used to play the dumb version and you have no friends after that lol. some suggestions to make it better for cheap is mana dorks. they ramp you then can be sacrificed for big things. and i would throw in some counterspells to protect arcum alittle bit. hes kinda vunerable. thn i would add like thousand year elxiar so you can activate him twice a turn and it gives him haste so cool. the big thing that would make your deck better would be to take out the big artifact creatures. you can only look for non artifact creatures and sac artifact these guys are just big rocks in your handsome untargetability would be good. lightning greaves, swift foot boots, and misdirection would be awesome.finally i would add junk diver, drogskull reaver, and myr retriever, because they can be saced for stuff then bring stuff back. which i sgood. theres an amulet card where you discard your hand to counter a spell. but arcum doesnt need a hand he just tutors up what he wants. or tutors for like memory jar and refills his hand. or he acedmy ruins for the artifacts he needs. the reason why is because its an uncounterable counter thats reusable.sculpting steel could be good to copy important things.oh and the lattice of course would be bananas with darksteel forge, same with nev's disk. jeeze back breaking .also minamo's school at the water's edge. untapping arcum is pretty sweet.oh and if you play lattice hurkyl's recall is huge so is kill switch.
check out my animar. I dont need suggestions but i know my deck is effing ridiculous. like seriously its banana's how good it is.
with kemba the best thing to do it get every equipment 1-2 cmc and underlike seriously no good equipment all of them suck. BUT!!! you just blast out tokens like ten a turn. it can get pretty ridic.also it needs alot of draw, just as much as you can and removal. and thats it really. cat swarm
add elf sub themeadd dryad arbor-rain of thorns-windstormstrip mine is banned dust bowl maybe.increase draw, mana ramp,removal or art/ent and moth nexus could be good
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