put in hostility plz comment on my decks
i like it but take out the non standard cards like Putrefy, Mortify, and the non standard duals and add cards similar to them because this deck would be a beast in standard and all ur creaturesd are standard plz comment on my decks
needs the b/w mimic and edge of divinity plz comment on my decks
add 4 emporor crocodile plz comment on my decks
need s dual land, multiples, search, removal and doran the decks need to pretty much be rebuilt i personaly only think it would only win a game once in a great while plz comment on my decks
but all basic lands so endless horizon hits all ur lands and goblin char belchers wins u the game afte ronly 1 activation plz comment on my decks
take out 2 grapeshot and 2 ingnite memories for 4 tarfire plz comment on my decks
plz comment on my decks
how is it mono green with doran and add more multiples, land and removal
needs mana excel like lotus bloom to pop out huge things turn 4 plz comment on my decks
add mutavault and underground river and river of tears and take out 1 spelstutter sprite for 1 more vendilion clique/sower and loose the familiar ruse for 2 more cryptic and add damnation to sideboard for quick aggro decks-elves/kithkin plz comment on my decks
add 4 harbinger since u have so many 1/2 ofs plz comment on my decks
needs mana excel and more mana since u need a land drop each turn and u could splash green for fertile ground, edge of autumn etc plz comment on my decks
i like it but add 3 harbinger and take out doors it is to slow and 1 surge of thoughtweft it is not that good plz comment on my decks
u need 4 flame javelin and 6 more burn spells like 4 rift incinerate and take out maguc of the dis k for 4 magus ofthe moon and make it mono red
put in hunted dragon plz comment on my decks
u do need 4chameleon collosus in there with 4 leaf-crowned elder
add multiples and searches if u only want to play 1ofs plz comment on my decks
add the guy that gives alll zombies that give +1+1 plz comment on my decks
381-400 of 621 items