needs some excel and lower mana creatures plz comment on my decks
more dual lands switch eyeblights ending fro terror/ soul reaop
they could have a link to magic workshop and it would already program in our decks so we wouldnt have to do it here and there i like the draft sim but how would we get the randomness from packs it would be very hard
look at my elfs deck for ideas and where is the white in it plz comment on my decks
swich makeshift mannekin fro dread return take out corrupts for terrors plz comment on my decks
u have posted this deck like 6 times stop doin it
looks good but add goldmeadow harrierand take out 2 cloudgaot ranger for 2 mor mirror weave check out my kithkin for ideas plz comment on my decks
recumbent bliss is enchant creature it cant attack/block or abillities and u MAY gain 1 life a turn plz comment on my decks and for white land if u want have 4 murming bosk and reveal collosus
if u wanted to splash white u would own red with a few o ring/ recubment bliss and pentarch warden to make ur collosus even more invisible and i added bitterblossom to my elves to help against fae/ rogues and all the goin around bad decks lol
add 4 lotus bloom aswell so u can excel on turn 4 to drop urchins and korlash
u can put in decks urchins for Drudge Skeletons
take out unholy strength they are unnessicary u already have big creatures and maybe drudge skelliton but i dont know of a good 1/1 thats black u dont want regen cause avatars affect so put in a random 1/1
take out the 1 phychotic episode for another profane take out 3 mind rots for 3 stupors 2 dash hopes and 1 cruel addict for 3 distress take out severed legions for 1 more korlash and 2 demigod of revenge take out mortivore make it 62 cards by adding 4 beesech the queen or diabolic tutor i prefer diabolic take out assinate for terror and solu reap 2 each add 4 memory sluice fro avatar of woe think about tendrils of corruption or corrupt 2of either continue...
fertile is in sop i can turn 2 drop a batalion
looks good i like how it is not all scarecrow because those decks are not usually that good plz comment on my decks
i think it does 2 a deck simulator like magic workshop would be awesome on here make ur decek and then play for fun and y borther to post random cards here lol i am close to run ning out of decks but i dont want to post em cause i want ppl to post on my other decks
add some g/r hybrids from shadomoor and this deck would rock plz comment on my decks
i am amanrocks
i like the liege for flash ill tryto add bordergaurd and mirrorweave
get 4 might of oaks in the deck plz comment on my decks
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