i owuld try to make it standard because some extended are ridiculas to play against plz comment on my decks
i like it plz commetn on my decks sry idkhow to fix it
needs multiples of all the cards plz comment on my decks
looks good but u needs some mana excel and idk world slayers effect is it all permanents or all permanents target player that was dealt damage plz comment on my decks
u dont need reejery in a mill deck up to 3 oring and 2 crib swap crib swap cost 1 less with the banneret
needs multiples of the better cards plz comment on my decks
u can also put in grim popet with mistmeadow witches effect plz comment on my decks
make 1 goblin deck and 1 elve deck 150 cards for a deck is not ever good and u only need 22 land in a 60 cards deck ALL DECKS SHOULD BE 60-65 CARDS u have said everyone plays with a big deck at ur store but if u are not willing to improve it to suggestions like make it normal size with multiples why even bother to put it on the site plz comment on my decks
needs 22 land plz comment on my decks
needs multiples of the cards plzcomment on my decks
i like it i was going to do a deck like that and i would add ashenmoore liege for mudderous redcap up it to 4 birds plz comment on my decks and nice mana base
needs multiples of the better cards and less of the bad ones plz comment on my decks
the deck is hilarious plz comment on my decks add chameleon collosus hes a big squirel lol so is changeling titan lol titan works well with liege of the hollows because of champion
cool i like it swap fro 1 oring, 1 wrath, 1 skulk plz comment on my decks
it is numot sry
i like it but add numaot the dragon thats in time spiral block plz comment on my decks
needs multiples and u can only have 1black lotus in a deck plz comment on my decks
needs multiples of ur more favored cards plz comment on my decks
i like ti use both devoted druid combos plz comment on my decks
add 4 devoted druid for mana issues plz comment on my decks
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