i meant 4 total scion and 4 total mistbind clique and 4 vendillion clique and 4 pestermite
loose 3 Silkbind Faerie 2 Glen Elendra Liege 2 Wasp Lancer 3 Oona's Blackguard 2 viridian longbow 4 memory sliuce 2 dire undercurrents add 3 more scion 3 mistbind clique 2 vendilion clique 2 pestermite 2 bitter blossom put in better counter spells like cryptic command some removal other than counter spells more dual lands plz comment on my decks
ucould use crib swap and recruitment bliss fro more removal i would make a bu standard control plz comment on my decks
needs multiples plz comment on my decks
add oblivion ring and crib swap plz comment on my decks
add wrens run vanquisher elves rock dude check out my decks
needs multiples or u will never win plz commetn on my decks
add multiples and take out useless cards plz comment on my decks
it is standard
y only tenth and how is it milll it looks nore of like a wierd dicard deck if u want mill add memory sluice but if it is discard add megrim, thoughtsieze, stupor, mind rot, funeral charm etc plz commentr on my decks
nice moxes and lands but put in some multiples of the other cards unless u wanted to make it a highlander deck
standard is future sight time spiral planar chaos coldsnap they last till october which is when shards of alara comes ut then there is lorwyn moringtide shadowmoor eventide they will be in for a while and only tenth edition ask me if u want to kno a specific card or if it is reprited plz comment on my decks
no my decks arent lol
i like it but since it is not standard add 4 of the BB destroy target land it is a really old card and 4 fulminator mage and 3 demigod of revenge and add dual lands plz comment on my decks
needs multiples of most cards and up to 4 harbingers if u want that many 1 ofs which i dont recomnd since they r all inconsistent and up to 4 soulstoke, 4 blade whirl, 2 nova chaiser, 4 ashenmoor gouger, 4 smoke braiders take out the hatchling, lighning serpent, sootstoke kindler, briarhorn, storm enity, dust elemental plz comment on my decks
take out brigid and add 1 more thoughtweft trio and then take out all 4 lookouts they are not as good as u think plz comment on my decks
and that list will win u a lot of games in free play (not sure u would want to play this deck in tournements) the list i made is not a competitive 1 leave me a message and real comment on 1 of my decks and i give u a competitive list cool?
i mean 4 not twelve and use the 4 for 4 Memory Sluice plz comment on my decks
ADD MULTIPLES ALL UR DECKS HAVE 1 MILLION 1 OFS UR DECK WILL NEVER WORK WITH A BUNCH OF 1OFS TAKE OUT BAD CARDS ANDD HERE IS A LIST add 4 stone rain 4seething song 4 rite of flame 4 shock 4lightning bolt 4 tramatize 4magnivore 4 rift bolt 4 volcanic hammer 12 cards which means 3 different 4ofs of different mill/decking cards
ok so i am guessing u dont want suggestions but here is 1 lower it to a few colors u said u like voidmaw so make a black any other color deck and this way u dont need a lot of dual lands and then u can put in some black cards and the other colors cards i would recommend making a standard deck so u can u it in tournements plz comment on my decks
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