add more multiples, card draw, burn, and counter spells examples are 1 more thunderblust /impelled giant/crackleburr and some telling time and flame javelin and cryptic command plz comment on my decks
add 4 mistbind clique and 4 bitter blossom the fae needs black so add some removal like terror and soul reap plz comment on my decks
add 3 more chameleon collosus he is the best card ever plz comment on my decks
add 4 lotus bloom and 4 edge of autum and 4 fertile ground fro some good mana excel and 4 steel of the godhead to make viz unblockable plz comment on my decks
needs multiples for sure and if u want 1ofs add 2 harbinger so u have 4 plz comment on my decks
take out 1 noblis 1 liege and 1 healthfire hobgoblin and add 3 lotus bloom cause u need excel in the deck to get a turn 4 liege and drop ur secoung fod if u get 1 and this way u can turn 5 nobilis plz comment on my decks
put in crib swab and maybe soul warden and find a way to give ur cho and pariah shoud with out a million mana plz comment on my decks
i like it but it is not standard so it will have a hard time playing some extended decks plz comment on my decks
add multiples and up the harbinger to 4 plz comment on my decks
i would add mirror weave to urinfi /infi quilspike and then swing all out plz comment on my decks
add 2 more platinum angel
add balefire liege and master warcraft plz comment on my decks
add 4 muavault and 4 treetop village plz comment on my decks
add more duals over the urzas stuff plz comment on my decks
no clue about the mana burn and oona is a very unespected card in faeries so i personaly like it
go with 4 stigma lasher and 4 flame javelin plz comment on my decks
add 4 keldon marauders plz comment on my decks
plz comment on my decks
no kithkin lookout and add 4 mutavaults for the vivid lands
in stead of mind sone/prismatix lens add fetile ground 4 plz comment on my decks
401-420 of 621 items