no one is playing fae which is awesome no one in the store has 1 magus of the moon so thats awesome and i also have a merfolk deck and i would crush a quick and toast deck but none are played i have almost all the cards for QnT except i dont want to build it i hate the deck idea
should i cut the banneret since everything is low mana except for prophets but he is only just in case for late game
cool deck ceck out my decks
cool add more magnivore
cool list add mirrorweave check out my decks
o and very nice lands
decent deck i never really liked slivers plz comment on both my decks
cool deck i made a dekc very similar to this right when eventide came out plz check out my decks and leave a comment
cool deck ad that Assassin from morningtide
cool deck lower it to about 60-62 cards nd plz check out and post a comment on my decks
cool deck but if you add quicl spike and him and the devoted druid combo make him a infinite / infinite and with all the card u have that give trample you could just instantly win with 1 attack and plz post a comment on my decks
and maybe 2 terror and 2 soul reap instead of nameless because nameless doesnt kill everything but u have slaughter pact so its your choice another option is 4 soul reap to hit the thins slaughter pact cant kill i like the choice of slaughter pact over terror so u can tap out 1 turn and they play something huge then u just kill it no prob sry i like to post my different ideas on a seperate comment
land sry not the best typer
and for land add 4 twighlight mire and if u want 2 Gilt leaf Palace(elf lang but its B/G)
becuase mutavault is a shapesifter changeling
i was thinking garruk and mutavauls if u wernt on a buget and plz comment on my merfolk deck
if u look at the list of my decks at the tournement i go to i want to know some good side board cards i dont have in there to kill the other decks ( most of em have a large amount of the sideboard cards for a mach up against my deck) i have trouble with the evershrike b/w deck but i usually win and have trouble with the suspend deck and the persist platinum angel deck if i dont win early enough otherwise my matchups are good
you can also add gift of the diety it does the same thing as lure for 2 more mana but gives +1+1 if u wanted more lure type things
cool deck put in a few more lnd and check out my decks
cool needs a little bit more removal but otherwise good deck soul reap if u want it all eventide
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