looks good it is burn with creatures and add 1 more encampment and add 4 mutavaults aswell since u want creature lands plz comment on my decks
the name is a little mune/rude especially since teengers are on this site and the deck could use so more duals plz comment on my decks
manamorphose then remand ur own manamorphose and then play manamorphose again lol thats sounds awesome
and i put in manamorphose ur right it rocks and that covetous dragon stinks and if i wanted deathrender in there i would have made a deathrender deck
remand is so much better
the prob is when i play in tournaments u need some removal or u loose
needd some multiples and some searches plz check out my decks
it isstandard so no elite i have play tested with scar archers and hunmasters and they dont do much i only have like 3-4 elfs out at a time
put in a few more pentavus and plz comment on my decks
make ur deck have more 3 ofs and loose needle specter plz comment on my decks
u could add steel of the godhead to make ur creatures unblockable plz comment on my decks
max out elvish piper plz comment on my decks
and that combo would be consisten if we had 4 demonic tutor and i would bump up to 24 land because we need the land early with the combo
put a total of 3 demigods because u first turn dark ritual and bury alive all 3 then the next turn u reanimate or animate dead 1 u get all three back and swing for 15, 14 if u animate dead and turn 3 u win which is awesome and 4 dark rituals for the turn 3 win the deck should have 3 demigod 4 animate dead 4 reanimate 4 bury alive 4 dark ritual 4 avatar of discord 4 Korlash (for a big dude) thats 27 cards u can figure out the rest
yeah but i am willing to pay 5 life for most of the cards in my decks
wat 1 u have a million lol
why did u remove so many of ur decks lol superdork
which deck i am always willing to help
i personaly dont like it there is no power removal or anything u just sit on maralen of the mournsong until u get ur butt killed u need to add a spirit avatar, some removal and then it may get better sry if i sound mean lol
add multiples of all the creatures and diabolic tutor for search and plz comment on my decks
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