add 4 birds of paradise and 4 devoted druid and 4 elvish piper plz commetn on my decks
i would take out hostility and dread for 4 ashenmoor gouger and 2 scar and 2 din of the fireheard for 4 flame javelein and 1 more fist of the demigod plz comment on my decks
take out augury adept and springjack shepherd for 2 more stigma lasher add more burn spells plz comment on my decks
u need more creatures plz comment on my decks
check out my elves for ideas plz comment on my decks
put in steel of the godhead or loxodon warhammer for lifelink plz commetn on my decks
add another kamahl plz commetn on my decks
i like it plz comment on my decks
add 4 chameleon collosus u need some power plz commetn on my decks
add fertile ground so turn 2 u can tap birds and 1 land to attach fertile ground to the other and then play battalion plz comment on my decks
looks cool add 4 lash out 4 flame javelin and just more burn plz comment on my decks
add more taurean mauler and liege and banneret why do u say all ur decks win fnm when none of them look like they should but i huess it depends on wat type of decks r at ur fnm if u win every week wat types r they plz comment on my decks
i personally dont kno how this would win ur fnm because it needs more multiples of the better ceards plz comment on my decks
looks cool but i woud use the urza lands plz comment on my decks
looks good check out my list fro a few ideas plz comment on my decks
plz comment on my decks
add brine elemental so u have the pickles combo w/ vesuvan shapeshifter
branchbender is bad plz comment on my decks
looks good and i like how its standard plz commetn on my decks
i like it but add more pumps then just giant groth add might of oaks plz comment on my decks
241-260 of 621 items