i think it is cool and different plz comment on my decks
take out the queen for 1 ashling and 1 mirri and dirge of dread for profane command plz comment on my decks
i like it but u only need 22 land in kithkin so have 4 heights, 4 clachan, 4 mutavault, and 10 basics take out the thoughtweft gambit for another spectral it is ridiculas against fae loos 1 ranger for 1 oversoul take out 1 cenn and stalwart fro 2 more harriers think about nobilis of war he sounds good in kithkin to me plz comment on my decks
add 4 kokusho plz comment on my decks
ok thnx for the comments
looks cool check out my elves and addd a few diety of scars plz comment on my decks
loks nice except u should loose blood knight for ashenmoor gouger and put vexing shusher in the board plz commetn on my decks
take out brigid for another gaddock plz comment on my decks
lower it to 60 cards and add multiples of the better cards and have only 1 theme plz comment on my decks
i like the deck plz commetn on my decks
i would add adequis will which makes a oppenets land a island for lord of atlantis and u draw a card since the changelings and i would add 4 stoonybrook banneret or bosk banneret plz comment on my decks
needs multiples of ur better cards witch r they 1ofs plz comment on my decks
hilarious but wont win lol plz comment on my decks
it wont beat faeries faeries owns rogues any day lol but ilike ur twist of mad auntie instead of bad moon and add 3 black gaurd and 1 more bandit for 1 earwig squad, 1 mad auntie, 1 knuckle bone witch plz comment on my decks
needs 4 magus of the moon and 4 more land and listen to rkwan i was going to say that plz ccomment on my decks
doomgape should only go in a g/b deck with creakwood liege and how do u get a token each turn for doomgape plz comment on my decks
add terror and soul reap and unmake plz comment on my decks
take out sigil tracer i dont see the point because u need to tap 2 merfolk plz comment on my decks
fro infinite creatures in standard u need to add florushing defenses sry if i spelled it wrong and 4 essence warden and i would addd 4 lotus bloom so u can combo turn 4 plz comment on my decks
add 4 turn to mist and mistmeadow witch for more blink effects and also add grim popet plz comment on my decks
221-240 of 621 items