your only acknowledging half of what tempo in mtg is. your deck is literally the total opposite of tempo.a u/g deck that ramps mana and draws cards isnt tempo because it has mana and card advantage. in fact card advantage isnt tempo at all, card quality creates tempo.just like SnT isnt a tempo deck. sure it uses ancient tomb to ramp into shown tell and puts an extremely efficient creature on the field in an unreasonable amount of time. fitting in with your 2 examples of why your a tempo deck, mana ramp and efficiency, yet still its not a tempo deck. tempo is the COMBINATION of securing your own resources, while limiting your opponents. while at the same time playing higher quality cards and playing higher quality spells. In effect keeping your opponent on their heels the entire time. thats what tempo is. a tempo deck keeps the opponent fighting for "time" and resources while you gain "time", resources, and board state.your janky combo deck that makes mana and draws cards and takes extra turns is cool and original, but its not tempo.sure there's aspects of tempo in the deck but its not a tempo deck.heck just the fact that your running wrath is proof enough its not tempo.wrath is a stabilizing card, not a tempo card
ragingoblin is 100% right. angel feathers is junk and you really want matyr of the sands here.
i can dig it
i like your wiki quote but unfortunately your wrong. yourself
maybe some sort of wierd janky combo deck. but i wouldnt say tempodrawing cards and having mana isnt tempo
thats how much legacy decks cost.
hahaha, wowi didnt notice that somehowfailx_x'
a 60 card deck is essential for consistent play
NO is an abbreviation used for legacy combo decks playing natural order.what do you mean by NO u/r?
cool idea ^_^
wicked combo! ^_^
looks like burn. i see most people playing goblin guide over figure of destiny, but figure is probably decent.gotta set up that sideboard
looks great. such a good 2 card combo.a difficult deck to play against in modernwhats chalice in the side for?
cool, i can dig it. ^_^
i could see cabal therapy being pretty powerful. and yeah, it works amazingly with probe. thnx for the suggestion! duress is in there for combo decks like you suggested. but it also hits counterspells, and most importantly, it hits opposing removal.
i dont think this is for a format.buttinker is restricted in vintage also isnt it?
looks wicked
no too shabby. hover myr is a weird choice
deck is sweet. i wouldnt bother with aether vial though. i honestly would just play a set of noble hierarch instead
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