drop mana chains, get lotus petals and ancient tombs for turn one emrakuul with show n tell
yeah, looking suuuuuper good. i need to get myself both careful study and preordain, such good cards.
ahaha nooo. the card long-term plans >_<'
creatures suck and get killed way to easily.
the draw cards are awesome though. i like that most of em are only 1 mana. maybe look into long-term plans, with all that scrying and deck manipulation it could be pretty killer.
like a hurricoin
not bad. infinite mana, draw and damage. ^_^
vampiric link is weak too
take out relentless rats
ghostly prison, propaganda are both solid and not as easily killed as the windborn muse. sphere of resistance is cool too
this is awesome, all playsets.
the more cards in hand the better for never ending torment
look into; gravestorm, web of inertia
coolest eldrazi deck yet. carefull study is awesome, iv never even seen that card. mystic speculation, preordain, and ideas unbound are all awesome cards as well. wicked cool deck. bonus points for all playsets! ^_^ although the deck description mentions pongify and mana chains?
needs more lands
looks alright. reassembling skeleton can be really cool with certain combos but doesn't look to necessary in your deck. id suggest a better chump blocker, even a drudge skeleton, or will-o-the wisp. or more specters maybe? shimian specter is brutal. also ten cards that punish for discarding or having no hand may be a bit much.
this is pretty decent actually. only thing i could suggest is dropping the sunlance to bring it to 60 cards. terramorphic expanse is really slow also. with just 2 colors i almost don't think you would even need it.
very sweet!!!! that loxodon gatekeeper is wierd though. you have 8 other cards with the same ability. >_<
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