i am saying its too slow to be a reliable land destruction deck. LD is my favorite type of deck to play. some of your ld is OK. you have sinkhole so you can potentially t2 land destruction which is extremely important. however the only way for you to draw cards is a 5 mana druid, that needs you to play more druids.basically against any decent deck. your going to run out of steam before you can destroy all your opponents land. and meanwhile theyre going to be smashing your face in with 1 and 2 drops. i like that your playing stripmine, but for a casual land destruction deck, this is one of the worst iv seen/if your "winning almost everytime" all that means is your playing shitty players, with shitty decks.
mox opal could be pretty wicked here if you could get your hands on em.
waaaaaaaaaay too slow.
nezumi shortfang is an interesting creature you could check out. shrieking affliction is basically another rack.
yeah no need for werebear, obviously you would play 2 more goyf if you could. Clique is probably too expensive mana wise for this deck. play 4 delver instead.
alot of bad and slow cards : / i would probably drop solemn, inferno titan, wurmcoil engine, forbidden alchemy, polymorph, rite, and army.. now that you have 15 open slots, you have some possibilities.sedraxis specter is incredibly wicked, and i dont see him played enough. i would up the numbers on grim lavamancer also. you could also try a few snapcaster mage and some better spellsmaybe a few more counters, spell snare is incredible in modern. some discard like thoughtseize, duress, inquisition of kozilek. and a few copies of dreadbore/terminate to slaughter creatures/planeswalkers
not sure why your playing more riftbolt than chain lightning but other than tha, looks good. looks like burn : / i never liked sulferic vortex much either. i would probably just max the numbers on vexing devil instead
im into it. i might play forbidden orchard over darkslick , considering 99.99% of the time that 1/1 creature wont matter
this looks incredible. i wish i saw more decks like this on the vault. the only thing im not 100% on is sower, but im sure shes just fine.
yes! looking really fantastic. ive never seen eternal witness or unmask main, but i like it
wow.. this is complete randomness. make it 60 cards. figure out one thing your trying to accomplish and maxout the numbers on only a few cards. playing a deck like this is going to draw different every single game, its not gonna be reliable and its not going to produce any sort of results except losing again and again.
looks pretty cool. im not diggin brass squire at all though
not terrible. i definitely wouldn't play merfolk wayfinder or wanderwine prophets. literally all of your spells and enchantments should be replaced also.silvergill adept, master of the pearl trident, coralhelm commander, and curse catcher are all amazing merfolk you need to check out.phantasmal image could give you yet ANOTHER lord.all you really want to do here is max out on merfolk, and play aether vial so you can pump out your guys while leaving mana open for counterspells.the actual counterspell is decent because your mono U, but you could try spell snare, and spell pierce also. also, replace reliquary tower with tectonic edge(for modern) or wasteland(for legacy) or stripmine(for casual). you want to keep your opponent from getting ahead, while building your field and keeping your counterspells live. iv seen a few modern decks splash white for path to exile, ive also seen a few use spreading seas to ensure islandwalkthe only thing you would have to do to make this modern legal is replace lord of Atlantis with one of the other merfolk lords
nice idea. it could trim some fat though. like Mcholypotato is saying, you have some alright stuff here, you just gotta figure was your really trying to accomplish and ditch the cards you dont need.
duskdale work is not very good
as much as i really do dig dash hopes, i feel like you'll be way better off running a set off thoughtseize/duress/inquisition of kozilek in that slot instead.
i guess i can dig it. i cant see a honest to goodness real reason NOT to play them though. they have insanely great synergy with second sunrise. cool deck though. i would love to see the look on your friends face the first time you went off with this >:D
wheres the ghost quarters? thats a big part of the combo
haha this is a joke
bahahaha reading these old comments is hilarious. poet-master x seems like such a tool shed.
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