wait; why 21 damage?
^LOL! he took my game plan :(
wow. you don't check you're deck for five minutes, and all of a sudden its on the front page with 50 comments....
ha. glad I could add another one to your list dagbaker
Flying monstrosity indeed. I espically like the lieges, as low cost boosters for every color in the deck. thanks for the input ftw. no literally, ftw :p
a good call on that indeed :) gotta love rebound
Grave pact/ tokens with GB with splashes of drawing cards and cancellation cards for blue is all i can really think of... Any other ideas?
ITS FINAL! the decision has been made. Vorosh was too good not to make my general. Now the only question remains.... WHAT TO DO FOR THE DECK THEME?!
Yes, but don't you have to buy a commander pack to get either Riku or Mimoplasm? I don't know if I really want to buy a whole pack for one guy
well, i would like to pit my wits with my eventually new EDH against your EDH and see the result. Too bad i will probably never get the actual deck to be anything like the list that will be on here... :p
Final four. Now it gets kinda tricky. In my opinion, the current order is 1: Numot 2: Vorosh and tie for third is Jenra and Teysa...they both deserve at least a bronze metal :p
If i'm going crazy, and it's a standard deck, ignore all that stuff i said and my bad.
Alright, i saw an alara block guy in there, so if you are playing casual, here's a few suggestions. 1: swap in counterspell for mana leak, can't get rid of that guy. Second thing, you should (obviously) add in a jace. Doesn't really matter which one, they are all mill, and they are all good, but mind sculptor may be preferred in this situation. Another thing is traumatize, half of someones deck is just lethal. You could also try to get circu, dimir lobotomist in there, if you get him out on t4 or earlier, hes just lethal, getting some cards exiled instead of in the gy. I think hedron crab is almost a need for a mill deck, just because of 3 cards milled per land drop is good too, or block with him if you have to. Hope that helps a little. Reply to this if you are thinking of adding any in, but are having some issues taking stuff out.
also, follow my first EDH deck poll to help me make the best possible deck possible. Voice your opinion, get ideas for your own decks, or just chill and talk with some buddies. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=251899 Thanks!
perhaps add in a darkest hour and a teysa? Ultimate creature control, plus you get a flyer
That totally just convinced me to put her back in the race, even if my card shop doesn't have her in stock.. :)
I've gotta say, you should add in a tinker and a big guy (say, oh i don't know, Dark/blight steel?) for backup plan. Its a turn 2-3 instant win with 10 infect, and hes got 13 attack... Great, fast deck, love to see it.
and here we are once again, looking at the top tier magic players and deck builders for advice. God I'm such a noob :p this will probablly be deleted before anyone even reads it or gets to check it out, but if not, I'm relatively new to magic, (only a couple years under my belt, all casual play) and am looking for advice on my EDH deck, first of its kind :). I'm not sure which of these guys would make a really good commander/general guy, so i ask you, the kings and queens of the vault, would you please help? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=251899 thanks again!
It's funny that you mention that because one of the other reasons I'm making this EDH deck is because for my bant/ exalted deck, which Rafiq is necessary for, my local card shop charges 50 bucks per pop, which I find ridiculous for playing casually with my buddies.
*added in more, if anyone wants to take a new look*
141-160 of 196 items