one of the two of my decks to make the front page EDH- vorosh
Everyone? Lol that was me i just posted on here twice :p I like to help out players with goblin decks and black decks, thats kinda my specialty.
My newest EDH deck Green+white landfall Red white “Boros-ish” k thx
I'm just going to link my list of casual play creatures. I know they aren't all legal in modern, but it could give u some ideas. 4x Goblin Piledriver 3x Goblin Lackey 1x Voracious Dragon 4x Goblin Bushwhacker 4x Goblin Guide 2x Warren Instigator 2x Reckless One 2x Goblin Wardriver 4x Goblin Chieftain 2x Krenko, Mob Boss Enchantments 2x Goblin War Drums 2x Shared Animosity Land 4x Teetering Peaks 16x Mountain Spells 4x Dragon Fodder 2x Lightning Bolt 2x Krenko's Command
Siege-gang? Teetering peeks?
My Teysa EDH deck needs some help!
yup that'll do it :p
Terra stomper could also be good in here instead of Kalonian Behemoth because once it hits the board, even if it is somehow killed (unlikely) you can just re-cast it from graveyard. Kalonian, however, could possibly be countered which is just annoying.
Actually, i really like slumbering dragon in here. seeing as the 4 of it is half of the turn 1 drops, having it out on turn 1 and being attacked on turns 2,3,4 etc boost it up quick, and when it has its counters on there its go time. Even if you have to wait til turn 7 or 8, an 8/8 flyer for 1 cannot be beat. many black players also use cards like murder and white players use o-ring because it is an immediate big threat as soon as it hits 5 counters, and they don't want to deal with a big threat like that.
I've found that you dont need 4x dragonstorm. Once you get the one, that's really all it takes. I usually run 2 in dragonstorm based decks, and then some brainstorm/sleight of hand/ ponders to shuffle your deck if you aren't drawing it. This way usually produces a turn 4 kill, with enough mana saved up in your hand via seething songs and rite of flame... I have never made it to turn 5 with my dragonstorm deck, and if you draw right you can win on turn 2. (turn one if you are EXTREMELY lucky)
Okay that is a relief. I just wasn't sure since my last EDH had just about even ammounts of lands, spells, and creatures (because of all the ramp)
Alright. What I'm really worried about though is my creature - spells ratio... I have less creatures than spells and being a normal 60 card deck player, that doesn't seem right to me. Is this the correct ratio of lands/artifacts/creatures/spells for a normal edh deck?
if you feel rich all of a sudden (I never do, so i dont actually own any of my own) you can add in 4x goblin piledriver. There is NO better aggro goblin than Piledriver.
-4 atlas, +4 sol rings. good call there, also even though i'm not including it on this page, i am using almost your exact same sideboard: ancient hellkite, hellkite charger, steel, balefire, mana-charged (because i play causal games mostly) and a borgadan hellkite as well. Thanks for the comment, if you would like me to check out a deck of yours to see if i could make any suggestions, feel free to post it here and i will take a look see :)
NO. That card is so wrong for so many reasons in this deck. Yes, it is in the sideboard because it does kill someone by itself 4x, but those 4 goblins that i need to sac, could kill my opponent in less than 4 turns if played with others like piledriver.
Looked Over the suggestions from the past few comments and I have to give my props to Vulcantorix! Goblin war strike is for sure a must with Krenko and a swarm of goblins. Thanks everyone for front page!
Archaeomancer kicks ass in here, as does snapcaster. Attended knight if you want creature boosts, and healer of the pride works in combo with closet that you gain life every time it activates.
Yeah If this were a standard ramp -> thundermaw + closet combo, that would be really deadly, however, i am going for the best possible casual play dragon deck ever. Thanks for the comment though! I'll be sure to head over to your deck and see if i can give ya advice in return.
no problemo. I did this in my own deck because I would often run into the same problem, so i threw some terramorphic's in and it works really well, especially if bloodghast has haste, because you can crack the land during their attack phase and surprise block with bloodghast from the grave.
Well you have pretty much nailed the creature and spells, i looked over all of them twice and couldn't think of anything i would add if i made this myself. However, i looked over your mana symbol occurrence, and you have over 50% is green, and yet you have only 4 forests compared to 8 mountains. red is your fewest occurred mana symbol, so make that the fewest, like 3. Then comes swamps, so make that like 5, and then forests the most, so make it like 7. That keeps the same amount of land, while better spreading out the symbol occurrences.
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