The 2013 core set will work wonders for this deck. the new black rare gorgon (can't remember the name right now, sorry!) would fit really well in with this whole black+green deathtouch/ reanimate feel you have to this deck.
... If thats the direction you want to take it, i would suggest an all out boros deck instead, utilizing cards like lightning helix and ajani veng. to take full advantage of the control-lifegain deck you may be looking to create
dude. you gotta add in Felidar Sovereign, instant win conditions are always good, and even if you don't get to the 40 point, a 4/6 vig. with lifelink will fit well with this deck
Alright well, welcome back! First things first, don't need any forests. If your only reason for them is Birthing pod, then scratch them. When you have several cards that require double black or something like that and you are sitting on mountain forest swamp, its frustrating. Take out the unnecessary lands like such. you can pay 2 life to play birthing pod and 2 life to activate it, even if you aren't activating it that often because it does cost 2 life, the upgrade in creatures is worth it. That's why its such a good card.
fells? He is amazing green/red wolf deck, i would add a couple if i were you
I have found that it isn't necessary to go creature-less with this kind of deck (burning vengeance based decks) you can add in something like deranged assistant for some mana ramp and get some more stuff in your grave yard and then you could add in like a skaab ruinator or something that you can cast from your grave to not only trigger burning vengeance but also to get a bad ass creature on the field...
I would take out grave titan and add in something else. the isolated chapel and drowned catacombs through off your mana balance just for him, and you will need at least two of these eight cards just to play him. The odds of that happening compared to you needing 6 colorless for wurmcoil are pretty high, and In my opinion, wurmcoil is better anyways. Gravetitan versus wurmcoil 1v1. wurmcoil wins, (one attacks the other blocks, they both die because of deathtouch, but wurmcoil also gains 6 life, and then there is just a battle between either 2 2/2 zombies if wurmcoil attacked or 4 2/2 zombies if grave titan attacked, and its those 2/2's versus 2 3/3 wurm coil mini's one with deathtouch and the other with lifelink. If you attack or block with those mini wurms, they win because even if you pileblock 2 zombies per, you can get rid of all of them. And then its a clear board, but wurmcoil is up at least 9 life.)
Did you pull all of this stuff? Some of it is REALLY good. Rare lands are always good, Garruk is awesome, and Grafdigger and olivia are both really raw. Parallel lives is pretty good too and ik if you are running blue black zombies endless ranks plus rooftop storm is a good place to start. Nice pulling, wish i had as good of luck as you do..
When you are running badass dragons and board owning angels, you dont need them to be unblockable.. I would say take out the whispersilk cloaks. I dont mind the darksteels, but instead of that, maybe a mask of avacyn? Giving them hexproof makes them indestructible all the same, and they get a little more fire power.
I would add in three more felidar sovereign. It is really your best, quickest way of winning. Perhaps for them take out 1 rest of the w. 1 inquisitor and 1 serra? And also, take out a baneslayer for a Augur il-Vec
Ghoultree would be cool in here. If you get him in your opening hand, he can be just as effective if not more effective than splinterfright.
Only problem is that hellrider doesnt have undying... Otherwise, if you test it and it works, i may have to build a legacy version of this, just because i think it would work well with maelstrom and whatnot.
I find that kalastria works super well in this type of deck. How I know? built my own vamp deck thats almost exactly like this one back in the summer... Never updated the list on this website but i have upgraded my deck itself.
Thats great idea and all, but how do you expect to get all four of them in your graveyard? You definitely wont achieve this just by discarding, its just not probable or practical that you will get all four in you hand at one point in the game... And not bringing stuff back with grimoire before they destroy it with something like ancient grudge, foolish. Im sorry, but this deck is too reliant on getting an amazing hand, and even with the tutors getting that stuff to your hand eventually, its just too slow...
This is purely constructive critisizim, in no way shape or form is it meant to insult you or your deck making abilities: This deck is nothing that it says it is. take out the tinkers take out the blightsteels take otu the elsh norns and take out the myrs! if you want to claim a deck a zombie deck, make it one. Put in some undead warcheifs and some death barrons or something... Dont just slap zombie title on there and then say oh but i also have tinker (illegal in every format except casual) and some blightsteels... You really need to re do this deck or else it wont function as a zombie deck but rather as a deck that has zombies, but its real win conditions are elesh norn and tinker -> blightsteel...
perhaps some of the golem token creature cards while they are still in standard? like splicer or some of those guys...
this needs megrim and liliana's caress. Once you get your commander/general out and start pumping his ability, those enchantments play right into his ability.
my discard deck (posted above) only runs a maximum of 8 creatures, and i usually only ever have time (if even) to play one or two because this deck works so fast. Not many creatures needed. Maybe the rats if you do add in more creatures though?
This is my discarding for damage deck. Take a look-see at it and may.b. you could make some changes to your own? P.S. Heaven. not heavan
add in underworld dreams. Tefris puzzlebox + underworld = massive ammounts of damage. If you add in wheel and deal to that combo, then you win.
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