Took out the shamans, fire feind, and warchief completely, they didnt have the right feel to the deck, it seems now its just a giant numbers game, rather than a few bigger ones. In addition to krenko's command and 4x gob chieftain i added in another goblin wardriver for the battlecry (from 1 to 2, after that change, i realized the deck was at 60!)
And as long as im sittin here posting on mono red decks, i would love if someone could add some comments onto my mono red goblins while they are at it; it is 90% finished, i just need to narrow it down to 60 cards instead of 70. Thanks anybody who does, if not, heck, its a free world, i dont care that bad.
Okay thank you very much for the reply to my question above ^^ i promptly added mana-charged into my casual-play dragon deck that me and a buddy play 2v2 with, works really well. I would also like to add a suggestion to your deck. Seeing as most of your dragons have 2 ways of getting out, hard- casting and your general, i think i would add in Kokusho, the Evening Star even if you can only get it out via your general. It is too powerful not to have in here... Also, because of the cards that ramp up your red mana, like seething song, i would suggest Dragonstorm, an instant win condition for this deck. And with Dragonstorm, the card Borgadan hellkite comes in very useful, being a big flying hitter that deals 5 damage however you choose when it comes into play. Have fun!
Red white green creatures are often big, awesome, and have potential to only get bigger, however, with this deck, you have yourself kind of backed up in a corner. You need to take out some of the creatures with all three colors of naya, because if you are stuck with lets say 2x clifftop reterat, and a plains, with no forests or rampant growths in hand, and no way to play anything that requires green, you are kind of stuck. I would suggest looking at some Red + White creatures/spells like ceredon yearling or lighning helix and ajani vengeant because boros knows how to kicks some butt. Also, look at some green+red cards, they tend to go well with this kind of deck.
...And as long as i'm sitting here commenting on other people's decks, it would be lovely to receive some comments on decks of my own. Im currently stuck on my goblin deck with just 7 too many cards! So frustrating, but what are you gunna do? Anywho, if you find that you are bored, or just feel like returning a kindness, please, come out and comment! Thanks!
I just made a red/black infect deck on the Decked builder app while waiting at the DMV, and i would suggest looking at red for burn with -1-1 counters, there are a lot of them, plus, some of the better infect creatures are red (in my opinion) so even if you don't add any to this deck, you may see some that you like from red wither based and may put it on one later on in your deck buildings.
And for the times you are playing in extended, Drana is an extremely powerful win-condition for this deck. Have fun with it, i have one similar to it, and it wrecks, fast out of the gate and still pretty good later on (though most games are over before turn 8 :p) it is hard to beat. If you have time, i would love some constructive criticism on my goblins
Aye. Definitely should make that a 4x as longs as you are at it. Being like a dime for each card, I don't think it would hurt you to spend another couple of dimes to pick up a full playset.
I'm rather new to the concept of EDH, is it legal to use a creature like mana-charged dragon who is only printed in the Commander additional set series as part of a normal (all cards legal casual play) deck, or is it one of the oversized cards that would be illegal because you can obviously see it?
Well being as krenko, mob boss was just released for standard play today (technically earlier this week in the pre-release but who cares about that stuff :p) it is for sure legal to play. Goblin warchief, i was not entirely sure, so i checked on the ban list on the wizard home page it he was not on there, so hes as playable as anything else not on the list. Have fun with the deck though, because I'm not actually making this until i get it narrowed down to 60 cards that have perfect fast synergy and power.
Well, i looked at all these cards, and i was about to add in krenko's command, when i realized that it's the EXACT same as dragon fodder, 1(M) for two 1/1 goblins. What I'm really looking for is which cards to get RID of, as i have about 7 too many. Thanks for advice though! :)
let me guess... You played the m13 game for xbox/ps3/steam and liked the idea? I do too, even made it myself, it works pretty well against standard decks, but extended, modern, vintage, casual and multiplayer it kinda sucks... I would also suggest adding in 4x silent arbiter. It just destroys when you have exalted creatures buffing each other and your opponent can only attack with one wheenie or something like that
I'm not sure what you are thinking of; perhaps Vizzerdrix? Also, i just but 4x boomerang in sideboard just 'cause
aye this deck was made before the m12 goblins came out and it was hard to get my hands on the older one, but yes, i replaced diabolic tutor 4x with 4x gob grenade and 2x fodder launch for 2x blightning. Good call on both occasions
well i sided in the ones there I liked (coat of arms) and i looked at all the rest, however, I couldn't find any card named goblin war machine.. perhaps it goes by a slightly different name?
...and yes... here I am pleading people to take a look at my newest deck I'm making from an older version of my old goblins deck. With the 2013 goblins, i just had to make it an all out brawl-fest of piledriver buffing goblins. Please check it out if you will, all who have a soul (JKJK but seriously if you have a minute to spare, check it out :)
Interesting idea. I myself made an eldrazi monument - big zoo based deck and i learned quickly that it kicks @$$, however, facing off against experienced players with well thought out side boards/ side boards full of removal like naturalize, I quickly learned that artifact destruction owned against it, and i was stuck with a bunch of grizzly bear- like creatures who weren't all that good by themselves. THIS DECK however, has so many different win conditions that this doesn't even seem like a problem for you. unbeatable may not be a far cry from the truth afterall. If you build this IRL i would like to hear how it works out for you, because i own 4/5ths of this deck and might build it myself.
Alright I was just trying to tell ya theres a way to do this just as effectively, if not more effectively, withouting have a minimum price of $230, and that's if you get lucky bidding on Ebay, this would realistically sell for around the mid price, which is right near $300 bucks. Take my advice or not, its up to you. But if you will listen to one thing, then i suggest taking out just 1 elspeth so you have 60 cards. This gives better synergy amongst your plansewalkers as well because if you draw another, your stuck with it, because only one of each plansewalker allowed at a time.
Your deck revolves around your planes walkers and enchantments, not around spells and creatures which is what i've found to be the most effective way of building a token deck. Look on this website at just about any squirrel deck to see what I'm talking about; spells create squirrels. If you want to look at creatures making tokens, look at a saproling deck. GL to you!
I've made this deck in casual play with some buddies (i think it was modern legal as well at the time) but with lots of 2's and 3's of big creatures with haste and bloodthirst and whatnot to take full advantage of the raw speed and power this deck has. If you haven't tried it IRL trust me, it will work; fast, well, and strong. Nice EDH spin on it
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