He would need ramp though as he doesnt have much atm, easy solution in edh though haha.
deadbridge chanthaakon stromgald(nameless inversion or other knight cards)raven's crimedakmor salvagelife from the loambloodghastvengevineentombdread return(don't know how many reanimator spells you want, theres a ton.)nezumi graverobberNecromancer's stockpilestinkweed impgolgari grave-trollstreet wraithfilthGenesismulchgrisly salvageCommune with the Gods
Why? he won't ever be a creature and he's only good with 8 creatures in the deck?
Anvil of Bogardan? causes them to discard a card each turnLiliana's Caress? cheaper megrimBloodchief Ascension? Auto include in most black edh deck.
noxious revival might be better than Wildwood Rebirth.What about infinite reflection?:P even as a 1of
Ephara's Radiance?
It would be, but if you were playing fling it would be better to play death's shadow combo rather than this.
you have mostly 3 drops though... you should honestly be at 20-21-22 lands
I doubt he did that on purpose... I assume he stopped adding cards because he didn't notice the 2qty and saw 99 cards main deck.
She is control worthy, she allows you to run more 1of removal as you can use her to tutor for them when you need it. Very control worthy.
We weren't ripping on ashiok that hard, we just meant that because you built this for post rotation there should be no reason to run 4x like maybe 3x but 4x just seems alot.Post rotation you should have more options for protection/card advantage.
it has a fairly awkward match up vs a turn 4 D-demon, half the time you just end up burning your opponent to death the other half you aggro out.Control and Mono black are the worst match ups the rest a good-mediumMonsters is a medium match up, same with boros burn.Aggro decks are fairly easy to face.The polymorpher's jests/electickery are in the SB for the Mono-b and monsters match up helps for game 2-3electrickery hits:Rats turn 2-3(depending on play/draw)Hits mana dorks in monstersLate game can but used as a board wipe in tandem with jest.That being said i built the deck with post rotation in mind, all i lose are the raptors and steam vents which arent really a big loss and will probably have cards to replace them in the next block/set
Chameleon ColossusDescendants' PathMutavaultColossus has some sick late game beats paired with sliver abilities.Path helps speed out slivers.Mutavault is just mutavault.Chord of calling and Green Sun's zenith are also great in sliversP.S. It's nice seeing that not everyone is stupid and using Hivelord as their commander -_-
To be fair you could say that about most legacy decks based on a linear style of play, if they can't go off turn 1-3 they probably just lose to fair decks(baring the fair deck keeping a completely shit hand)
Yeah haha, It's because i didn't want to scare everyone off by running 9 fetches(which i own and would use in the place of mose of these lands)I find if youre in 3 colours and not using fetches you need more duals.
It's a pretty sweet deck in legacy, I personally enjoy the Blue dredge deck better as it leaves FoW up so you don't just die to a counter spell.
Yeah, this deck you always start on the draw so you can discard first turn.Then proceed to play yugioh until you win.
Why mark this as unloved?
I have multiple cards that can proctect her, I was taking that into account. It's like any combo EDH deck you don't just try to jam your combo down the second you can you still play smart...
On my list Sample hands seem fine, you almost always have one combo piece, and a decent amount of lands.
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