I agree with this 100%. I also feel that growing ranks, and ley of the land would probably be better off as seles-charm or azor-charm as they provide utility. He doesn't need mana fixing as there are 2 full sets of duals in standard. This being said i love the deck idea.
oh, he sells for like 2-3 dollars here as nobody buys it. My bad.
Kalonian Hydra, what about this hydra??
I feel you need more 1-2 drop creatures as the point of an aggro deck is to well be agressive on the first few turns, scarhide and tormented hero are two great one drops. Not to sure on two drops, but you could add mutavaults(if you don't have theres no point as they rotate in 3 months) Lilly of the dark realms is just bad should could probably be something betterI would say you have 21 open slots if you got rid of your enchantments, lilly, des demon and feeding. +4 gnarl scarhide+4 tormented hero+4 rakdos cackler+3 mogis's marauder+4 thoughtseize+2 hero's downfallbut that's just my take on it.
http://www.mtgvault.com/viagrasaurusrex/decks/kobold-tribal/How about Kobold tribal?:PThere's actually an infinite combo built in with purphuros, curio and two 0cmc creatures haha.
That's why my pillow fort deck focus's more on lifegain/drain, my meta is filled with R/W burn, aggro and MBD/MUD. It normally ends the game with your creatures getting beefy from angel or just life drain. Mine has a bit worse of a match-up vs control but its still like 45-55% ish.Like most aggro decks are packing like Fiendslayers and gift or unflinchings in the sideboard so R/W burn gets pretty bad game 2-3 baring them not drawing any hate cards.
Don't forget the fact that it sucks a lot more to have to use a single target removal spell on a 1CMC creature than it does to hit a 3CMC creature.
Same, like I'm A control player at heart. The only Standard deck i have build on paper is BUG midrange, its fun but I've been getting more into modern where I play my 8-Rack control deck.I normally don't like aggro, but all these enchantment synergies have drawn me to trying all the different aspects. I am currently trying to build a W/B aggro deck that will be playable post rotation. It's rather competitive at the moment but I feel it will be a lot better in the coming months. (the aggro deck is on here)
for mono black cards like Bile blight(good vs mono blue also, deicide(hits erebos, and connections and it also rolls mono blue.) and pithing need(shuts down packrat or connnections) are good. Mono black will get a huge nerf in 4 months after it loses rat, sieze, demon, connection, muta, downfall and spectre.Yeah like mimic is a fun card and it isn't bad, it just might be too slow or too fragile(depending how they use their removal) not having an answer for dragon or demon is huge( sure you have banishing light, and maggot) but cards like downfall, thoughtsieze or ultimate price could be at least sideboard worthy. Maybe just keep mimic in and then after boarding become a more interactive deck. like do your game plan game one and then side into removal(if you have to) you need removal for R/G monsters and MBD
http://www.mtgvault.com/viagrasaurusrex/decks/pillow-fort/This is my B/W version.
I would probably drop one of the elixers for the 3rd connections, having more than one elixer is never really good you want it to refresh your deck and give you more live draws but its counter-productive if you have a deadbridge in play. Eidolon of Blossoms seems like a must also as you're more of a control deck pillow forting until the late game, the card draw it provides is vital. Besides that I would say make a sideboard but I have no idea what your meta is like.
eldrazi tribal would be stupid funny, that was just made on a whim at work i will make something fancy later.
http://www.mtgvault.com/viagrasaurusrex/decks/75-budget-ally-tribal/ Ally Tribal, not really streamlined but was forcing creatures to make D-path work wonders.
Skybind doesn't bounce anything in you deck besides godsend Plus you want a lot less mizer cards, do you want aggro or pilow fort build?
I was screwing around with a jund idea sorta like this using gyre sage, menace, varolz and exava. playing rakdos return, hydras and the top tier removal. Whip is also sweet in that list. I would have to make an updated list though.
I feel its pretty basic effects compared to the other charms. I also just don't like straight life gain effects like reunion because they don't actually help you win, they just prolong the game, which in an aggressive deck like this it isn’t what you want. I understand the concern for charms being too complicated.
What about Selesnya charm in place of fog or reunion? It can be removal, pumping or a token to work with blessing/virtue?
It's not only legendary, it's an over costed legendary. 6 mana to give +3+3 and unblockable( lets face it this is what it does vs anyone with a clue). Satyr Piper could be something different, with the ramp from caryatid and filter from courser its more than enough ramp for your deck. you have 6 cards that cost 5 of greater(counting godsend) That frees up 4 slots for your deck.
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