I have a different mindset when playing a combo based commander, my cards either have to have synergy, find me the cards that I need or protect my shit when I am about to go off:pI would only consider playing:Dack(synergy with a lot of pain cards and stealing an artifact is almost always great)Jace Beleren(cheap card draw and works with pain)bolas(Can answer any one target without hexproof)karn(exile anything? sure why not)
he's meh like most walkers in commander(unless its 1v1)They either need a great permanent effect like dack, nicol or karn. Or they need to have one hell of a synergy with the deck.
Aether vial over map?
Library of Leng is a must in this deck, you may want to also look into dream halls, it allows you to just play your whole deck when used with wheels or onmiscience/enter the infinite.
I feel bump in the night seems really out of place here, there are a lot better cards that could be played in its place.You just don't have enough burn to make bump good all it is doing is making you be more dependant on black mana.In the end you would be better off just dropping white and adding in cards that make your deck more consistent.Snag, cryptic, leak, etc.Like if you're playing white you may as well have helix over bump or blightning.
lol nope just walking around putting stuff where they belong, back now loading up for second trip:P have a good lunch love:DLove you toooooooo.
lol the hole is massive -_- yeah:) im going to go do some work though, so i shall ttyl<3:PI may randomly message when I am at my computer(have to go deliver some shit.)
angel's grace?save some from dieing to a burn spell lol.
Thats good:) I'm glad its a relaxing day for you:)I'm going to go buy more jeans after work haha3 pairs should be fine:pworks super slow im taking my time on everything haha
well thats good:P so whats up love??
lol I hope to have you by my side whenever im in the hospital
I have always wondered how the creature versions would fair vs the no creature versons (my list) yet to face one though.
Shit, that doesn't sound like fun. he can still see out of it? like pre-surgery?
Yay instructional videos :D :P lol well i will watch it anyway:) lol
lol i have 0 hopes for it and fox blows more than just everyone:P
http://classic.magictraders.com/ubb/Forum13/HTML/025587.htmlIt's better to use this as a reference, these were the prices of shocks before a reprint was confirmed.the prices dropped as soon as they got annoced in RTR.
kkk:P thats actually awesome:P
lol sure:P sounds good
There is a huge difference when cards are printed in a limited print set and when they are printed in an unlimited print set, I mean mutavault used to be 40$+ Also Vial had its raity upped to rare in MM, and it is only worth 23$ in modern masters not 38$... sure the foil is 40$http://sales.starcitygames.com/search.php?substring=Aether+Vial&t_all=All&start_date=2010-01-29&end_date=2012-04-22&order_1=finish&limit=25&action=Show%2BDecks&card_qty%5B1%5D=1&auto=Y(tcgplayer has it for 23 non-foil)The reason this cards price didn't drop is because they upped the rarity not lowered it.The reason they changed rarity is because the cards werent as powerful as they once were, sure in a normal set they might be mythic strong, but not in this limited format. When they change rarity its so that the limited format doesn't get fucked by unbalanced colours/cards.Limited is my favorite format hands down.I would be completely fine if they made fetches uncommon, I would love that. Sadly I feel that won't happen. Also Fetches will be reprinted in a block not in MM2.0Vial isn't 13$ more and if it is on a certain site I wouldn't buy from them because they are ripping you off hard.Vial is 23-25$ from MM.In the end Fetches will be printed in a block format much like they did with shocks, if you want to consider a difference in price, consider the difference in price between the old shocks and the new shocks and then do the same with fetches in that situation.That is a ton more realistic comparrison.I mean most of the shocks are half the price at least of the older versions.
that would be fucking perfect :D
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