Avacynavacynavacynavacynavacynavacynavacynavacyn. AVACYN!! Also, D Herald is POOPOOOOOOO without Prince of Thralls AND Grixis Creatures to sac.
oh wowwwww, the FOUNDATION is Havengul. That's extremely cool.
if you're running mindcrushers why not throw in more armored skaabs and Auto-Mill tools to complement a Boneyard Wurm / Splinterfright OR BOOOOOOOTH :3 lab maniac too. It's strange to see SO MUCH blue controllface with such a stereotypical GREEN standard Creature base.
OH. that was to another guy. Do you mean Chandra Nalaar, or Chandra Firepants? I think BOTH are standard Legal nowadays.
MY GOD this thing will actually work.... IF you can ever tap for it. Good thing all ZOOOOOBS are 2-drops, huh?
i use them. I like them. cept on the worthless stuff, that's where they fuck ya. Guul Draz Hoochie is NOT worth a quarter. Not anymore, she isn't.
Dood. Patriarch's Bidding. and then ya DO IT AGAIN like Chemical Brothers.
Karn r expensive ;_;
How's meta do it? I can't target him period? Or is that a CHOOSE ability?
Havengul plus Snapcaster equals genius. Kudos. I'll definitely consider edits to mine.
I LOVE MY LIFE IM FRONT PAGE. thanks, Manowar for pointing me here. I'd have snaps in mine, but they HURT MY GENITALS to find, and (worse) buy individually.
ouch, man. very ouch.
Traft? I can't do jack against Traft. never could. Side in worldraep and hope for the best.
I don't think much of Nephalia. Never did. I'd have to see it in action.
DAYUM, Phyrexia straight-up HAS SEX with people's faces.
Hero of RAEPhold. Yep. You're good.
He has to tap for red somehow to put down Immerwolf. Try to search for a different "wolf-Lord" than Immerwolf. If any other exists, hopefully it will be one you won't have to splash for.
AH! The new dimir, huh? Lili 2.0 is an interesting choice. AAAAAND your trademark Grindstone-Painter's Servant. Truly this is you, buddeh. You cut this thing down a lot. HUGELY. You multi'd up on Circu, nixed Szadek entirely, and most of your other one-ofs.
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