I frown upon Inferno Titan nowadays. SB him. Moar tragic slips, definitely. Nix BUMP. it's poopoo. Nix Gravecrawler in favor of... hm. Wolves get RAEPD by Ratchet bomb. tharfore, you're going to want Moonmist. A lot of Moonmists.
I'm thinking about making a weenie deck based on Signal Pest and Orchard Spirit entitled "my weenie is too big"
actually, I should have made that more clear. this is DAMN GOOD. especially the zero-mythic thing. yes. just O-ring.
oh god yes. This deck is so sexy. Replotrollin. I love it.
Luckily, Razorverge is one of the "worthless" mirrodin Dual Lands. That's possible. Champ doesn't exist ;_; if they accept French cards, we have a chance. way to avoid mythics. Gives this thing a damn good chance of being assembled. My only advice is grind Strad, and SB O-ring.
nvm. not AS beautiful. Scry into miracles is still great. sucks that Tops are banned :p
That's so beautiful
Evoke the Mulldriftah!
This is especially cool considering most of your bigass creatures are "toilet" rarity. Budget-viable and effective.
behold! something that might give me a chance in Legacy! http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=342808
Kein probleme... and uhhh. oldass Flicker, if you're not bound by standard.
I hate Zur decks so much.
Also, Mizzium Transreliquat for Mimic Vat replication.
http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=301243 I decided to make my EDH based on Thrax, with Sedris as a Rez aid.
Doesn't unearth say "if they would otherwise leave play, exile them" or does Flickering bring them back from exile without the unearth problem. CUZ THIS IS GENIUS if the rules will let it stand.
Conjurer's Closet?
This is the most killspells i've ever seen 0____0
ahhhh, nvm. this is DRAW-Mill. Very cool.
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