Exsanguinate is ultra-slurp. love it.
My xenograft was for Shifting Sliver. SS: all slivers can only be blocked by slivers. XENO: declare slivers. ... nobody has slivers. SWING UNHINDERED! :D
Kazuul is GENIUS. I find MY mass-sac-and-i-get-everyone-unless-you-pay-3-a-pop schtick with Prince of Thralls is still better. for I can stack useless regens with my enchantments and flush faerie and goblin tokens.
Sahr is a GENIUS idea. as is undead for a hilarious side of mill + poopen whenever Thrax swings.
had it in for Shifting Sliver, which wasn't in for some reason. and Shifting Sliver is the only reason Fleshwrither exists. Sac: Drag out target three drop. He makes all slivers only blockable by slivers. Xenograft makes all my things slivers. It's very much a "final push" kinda thing.
It's so cool. After 5 land, you can do anything you want. Genius.
Mimic Vat.
Love this so much. BUILDING!
I made a Thrax EDH also. It was more Voltron than yours. check it out. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=301243
ouch. and more ouch.
none at all. I haven't really been motivated to poop out anymore decks either because my two most recent Tournament Grade ones (A Grixis Cascade and a Standard Control Re-Hash) got COMPLETELY IGNORED. and i put my dangalang into those ones :/
Front page, dawg. Nice.
Vex and Treacherous make for crazy awful, cheap summons with Torb. nice work, dawg.
oh dooooood. anything with Torpor Orb is evil.
If you have the moneys, rezzing Lili with Sun Titan is a hell of a lot of fun, because you can just keep burning her out and bringing her back for free.
Genius. Nice work using no legendaries so you can clone whore. I kinda hate Frost Titan. If it works for you, then it works.
RAT GOD IN THE HAUUUUUUUS! brilliant work, dawg.
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