Chandra Firepants is the only way to burn spell.
Does Sanguine Bond + Exquisite Blood result in an Infi?
In unity we find strength! so the ragtag army roared. and so it was, that through their bond they found a power stronger than fear, stronger than death. More, yet more rallied around their vain hope, exemplified, sanctified, and risen to power witnessed only in storybooks. Stand together. these devils have no concept of OUR power.
POEM TIME! and so it was that Phyrexia fell, Not to the Mirrans, not to Karn But to the Sylvan of Shadowmoor, The Praetors watched in horror as their glorious poison was reduced, inexplicably, their husks resumed a redundant state of death, consumed. A poison more sinister than phyresis, devoured and consumed. mutating not, perverting not. simply eating and destroying. Drunk with power, these "Wither Warriors"... and so it was, that the greater evil prevailed.
yeah. few will deny that Delver is among the top five in Stan today. and for some reason, i didn't think traft was a Spirit. thought he was Human. WELL, i'm naturally going to say "More spiritpoopen"
I made an equip deck featuring Blood Cultist from Alara. the goal is to give everybody Deathpoke. lookie
very kewwl. Mah buddy did hilarious things in multiplayer with crackleburr, Mana Geyser and Fireball.
that's Yung Greezy, dawg.
this deck is pure genius.
ohgod, brokenass Alpha lands 0_____0
mah buddy built a Gruul deck. Facelook
THANK GOD you don't use the brokenass alpha lands! :D NOT digging POOTISbrand. didn't think he was nice. Did you get most of your Rez Cards from the graveborn premium deck?
no, this is genuine. he lets you throw away what you don't need. and that's beautiful. i was on the fence about A LOT of the spells in my build. like geth's verdict and Vamp Much.
mah buddy GREYGOOOSE be lovin Jund. behold
also, MERCIFUL JAYSUS this is expensive. not all of us are level 6 pros who get 3 copies of every card in Standard at each Tourneh.
huntsmaster poops on people. nice job trimming down on finisher-class creatures. makes it run MUCH smoother, i'd guess. Curse of Facepunching is an excellent addition. DAMAGE MULTIPLIAH!
na-na-na-na-na-na-na na-na-na-na-na-na-na GANK MAN! WELL! this is cool! AND metamorph to troll Legendaries! I threw up 3 new decks, most notably Pootis Reactor. ON THAT NOTE I wonder if i should make a quasi-comedy about the Fiend Hunter questioning the demonic Phyrexian Tech and ultimately just ends up chanting Pootis, pootis, pootis along with the golems for it works inexplicably.
jaysus. it's them brokenass Alpha dual lands 0___0
in my playgroup, the thingies are called "Lords" after Lord of the Unreal and what he did for Illusions. ANYVAY. There do not appear to be enough spirits in this thing to make Drogschkol worth it. THEREFORE, I say ya take him out for Champ of the Parish and make a rockin Human deck. ORRRR ELSE go Midnight Haunting and Moorland and emphasize Spirit-poopin.
Viscera Seer is Mr. Do Not Want. GREAT THINKING. TOTALLY rethinking mah deck now. WHOLE shitload of spells that are... eh.
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