Don't forget D for dangalang. I'm liking the hand-hate a lot. Bloodline Keeper plus Dire Undercurrents equals free discard.
i take that back. It's not comedic at all. It's terrifying. EVERYTHING is guts D':
Threw a poem on my rockin' Delver Salt Standard deck, because I always pitied the poor bastard.
POEM rocks. Just enough a splash of comedy that I can believe it's an actual incantation by eldritch witches who have better things to do than write dramatic verse and just want the right syllable structure to catch a demon's ear. ALSO, Huntsmaster rocks. Moonmist synergy, as always. AND DECIMATE. Hilarious fun card in multiplayer.
If you build an Eldrazi deck with any humans (THAT WORKS >:0 ) i'll write an epic mix of painful tragedy and dark comedy. Tears will be shed. Or just Drazi. i don't like them, so i won't make it. and you're the only way my poems get seen :/ Sorry, dawg.
Men are fragile, men are weak, beseech my aid, thy soul I keep. Kein Sonne ihren scheint, (The sun doesn't shine for you) tossed aside, the will divine, Mine eldritch prophecies hold true Cher *dear* Avacyn has deserted you. But offer one, I'll take her place. Power to trust in, to hold in faith. One life will do - any at all. Grant me my darkness, full in all. To stand against das Endezeit, (The endtime) Will you subvert your gods, your light? ... Follow me, mortals. It's nearing time. The price is paid... THE POWER IS MIIIIIINE!
Doubling season makes you god. It makes attractive women look... eh. It makes a good day GREAT!
Never even read it before. INFINITELY REBOOTING DEATH. genius.
my point exactly. If you're not bound by standard, ZendoStrad vamps equals that shining woman at the end of the bar whose sweat smells like honey.
heh. I was expecting a poem for this lawl. Cool humans. Rav is a finisher, i'm guessing. The foundation seems to be primarily humans and tokenpoopen for to sac. Check out my buddeh THE_ANSWER 's Sorin: Ghostlord deck.
ahhh, you splashed B for the Master, huh?
Rakiiiiiiiiish and Stromkirk equals Hilarious. Captivating Vampire is better than OV in some cases, if you're not trying to stay within the set. I made a ZendoStrad vamp deck based on similar principles. Check it out
Blinding Mage.
AHAHAHAHHAHHAHA! NO MONEY AT ALLL! HAHAHAHHAH! that's so beautiful. does it work 0____0 ?
Add Paradise mantle and Gilder Bairn can Infi-gen Counters. My buddeh brought that to my attention. He launched a challenge for it. I built a deck based on it. Here it is.
unless your buddies allow unlimited Proxies... God, holeh poop. I feel like it's an insult to Wizards to even put such an insane number of Black Lotuses in a deck.
wut the...?
no Ashling. Disappoint.
Beautifully engineered. Hilariously effective. Did you take this to a Tourney ever?
and the meek shall inherit the Earth... and the strong will do terrible things to your throat and nostrils.
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