Pod decks are so sexy. I tried to make a heartless deck. I hated it. But hold on. Heartless doesn't serve Pod too well, for doesn't it just kill all your squishy things before you can sac them to the pod? GOD pod is sexy.
Solar Flare equals VOOSH. phantasmal Image. YOOOOZE IT.
Bitch be broken.
waitaminute. Where are the tittays? This isn't an all-ladies deck.
Also toss in a couple Dual Lands from M12. My playgroup said it's now okay to proxy dem shits. Maybe you can swing a similar deal with your buddies.
:D IM SO HAPPYYYYYYYY but also. I love snapcaster. LIMITLESS POSSIBILITIES and I envy ANYONE with the luck to have four of him. Havengul makes Snapcaster hilarious because you can DO IT AGAIN LIKE CHEMICAL BROTHERS.
Exprain how it gets to INFI Chronozoa. I'm not seeing it. Sorry. I believe you though. Can ya walk me through it?
oiMYgod... this is genius.
Jaysus that's expensive. What's beat it so far. Regular Magic is to Legacy as Water Pistols are to ThermoNuclear War.
Same as red. Hilarious and inventive. BUT CAN EITHER actually FINISH anybody?
Hilarious and inventive.
BONE SPLINTERS! THAT's how ya sac him! :D
oh wowwwww, EVERYTHINGS a 3drop. YEAH. HAVENGUL! NAO! also, find ways to condemn Kathari to death so you can Rez him with 'gul and Cascade again. If I make a deck based on that principle, I will credit you for inspiration.
is poond an acronym?. I love Grixis. But I despise Kathari Remnant. What does he do for you? Also, Havengul Lich makes Cascade with that piece of crap INSANE.
What defines Mageblade? For it ain't Solar Flare, and it is NOWHERE CLOSE to CawBlade?
I love innovative Infis so much. Check out my Purple Burn with MetalKraft deck, which features a lovely infinite ending with storming Rapeshot (grapeshot). http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=282339
Oh, wow. This is genius. essentially a twodrop for three mana that you can keep rezzing for more floating AND THEN an X-cost burner. Genius. I say Red Sun's Zenith over Devil's Play every day.
Snap is A BITCH to find. and even worse to buy individually ;_; I LOVE HIM. Thanks. A lot of people didn't like my inclusion of OV. Ratchet Bomb touches me in ways i don't like. Thanks for your consideration.
dood, this curve is awful. I'm sorry. There are few other ways to put it. You have some SERIOUS cutting down to do. 4 Cacodemons is almost never acceptable. Neither 4 Demon of Death's Dingaling OR 4 8 DROP ANGELS. Dawg, you need to get your curving straight. It's VITAL to deckbuilding.
Too much. and not enough at the same time. Lord is POWERLESS outside of an illusion tribal. Platinum don't see much use nowadays outside EDH. Tanadon Me likey. If you're serious about running the big stuff. NIX THE FRICKIN DRAGONS and Lord of Unreal In favor of 4 llanowar Elves... Because EVERYBODY has 4 Llanowar Elves.
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