If you want to, you could do Hermetic Study+Freed from the Real+Sigil of Sleep/Curiosity and sit back with a creature and just ping away.
If you have trouble with mill or aggro, Elixir of Immortality is the go-to card. Good Luck.
Funny legacy combo decks. Could you tell me how this one actually works? Can't figure it out. Blasting Station, Mesmeric Orb, Narcomoeba is a start... Could you check out my legacy combo deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=273278
Quality deck. You might want tormod's crypt in the sideboard instead of relic of progenitus. You might want something to protect your creatures, too. Could you check out my legacy deck? http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=273278 Thanks.
birds of paradise. Gives you something to do turn 1, accelerates your mana.
Jesus. That's actually a decent deck. You have so much removal. My suggestion would be to mainboard a few Black Sun's Zenith. You never know, with humans and tokens as ridiculously common as they are. Tell me how it works. Also, considering you have 9 removal spells, you might want to lighten up on that and mainboard some cheap, CMC1 discard. I don't think Karn is necessary. You could mess them up more with Quandaries.
Yeah, she's pretty awesome. Maybe Pemmin's Aura would be good? Like mind over matter. Wizard tribal is so powerful. Could you help out with my EDH? I've never done it before, and right now I'm in the process of choosing a commander. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=270325 Thanks.
Huh. That's tough. Think Twice, and maybe SB Visions of Beyond. x3, take out x1 Mimic Vat, x1 Metamorph, x1 Moorland Haunt. If you want to keep the vat or the Haunt, lose islands or 1x precursor instead. Have Ghost Quarter at least in the sideboard. for 1x Blessing, 1x Venser.
Every time I see Grimgrin, I think of tremendous combo potential. For example, if you had an aura which gave him "(T): put a token onto the battlefield", then you could sac the token for a counter and an untap, rinse, repeat. I don't think that there is any of that in black or blue, though, so that idea isn't good for EDH. Good deck, though. I have not played EDH, but I am trying to build an EDH deck now. All I have now is a list of potential commanders. You seem more than competent, so could you check it out? thanks. http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=270325
Main problem with this is that shroud is not hexproof. This prevents Venser and Cackling Counterpart from targeting artifacts you control. This is not a huge problem, because they can be used to blink/copy angels and splicers, but you do lose a bit. Moorland Haunt here just slows you down. I would focus on a card-draw spell instead. If you have extra mana late game, why not just make sure you can use it on something better than a 1/1? Otherwise, ok. Your mana curve is a little bit meh, but you can work that out. +1 from me.
It could be.
Hello. You and some other deckbuilders here are real EDH buffs, but have never made an EDH deck. In addition, I recently found that you are one of the only people besides myself that regularly use the word asinine. I am getting incredibly bored with all of the silly standard players, myself sometimes included, that clog up the Top and Upcoming pages. So, I plan to make an EDH deck. Right now, I have a list of possible commanders right here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=270325 I would greatly appreciate any input you could give.
It looks like a good deck, but I cannot see it doing well in a very competitive environment like T2 if you rely on having quite a few creatures on the board for your strategy to work. And although you do have the tutor, it costs 4 mana by itself, which puts you down a turn. This deck is a big win in a more casual environment, though, and I would have fun playing it. Novel idea, and pretty good execution. +1 from me.
Thanks for the credit, man. If you're going Tourney-Quality, it needs some work. First things first: Removal. Beast Within is a valid option for several reasons (if your golems are going to be doom-bladed, do it yourself and get a bunch of 3/3s). O-ring is my favorite. Fiend Hunter is okay, but O-Ring is better. Revoke Existence or naturalize should be in Sideboard. You don't want board wipe. Ghost quarter should be at least sideboard, if not mainboard. Celestial Purge should be in the sideboard. Second: the Sideboard. Specialized removal like GQs, Revoke Existence, Celestial Purge. nihil spellbomb will shut down solar flare. I'm sure you've played enough standard to figure the rest out. Third: Venser's Ability. It will only protect your golems if they try to kill them during your main phase (planeswalker's abilities are sorcery-speed). A slightly intelligent player will figure this out after one failed attempt at most and just kill them during your upkeep, endstep, or their turn. This reduces the effectiveness of your strategy. If you want to keep him, fine, because the unblockable is a good finisher, but if not, I would approve. Good job. +1
Cool. I can see that working. I missed Garruk, that's all.
Looks really good for casual play. If you can get this in format (Asceticism instead of Privilege, Rampant growth instead of harrow, some removal instead of Lotus cobra, different lands), you could play at FNM.
change the name. please. that joke is so old. Otherwise, decent deck. Too creature heavy.
And here's an extra comment, just for kicks.
I read your comment on surewhynot's deck, and it made me sad/sympathetic. For advice, look at my deck. I'd suggest doubling season, targeted spells with cantrips, etc.
Mayor of Avabruck is out of place. He can only pump other Mayors and Viridian Emissaries. I'd suggest an evasive beater instead. I have a similar deck. You might look at it for ideas. Deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=268655
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