Meh. Dies to Purell. *trollface* Pretty cool though, for casual play. :) Also, take out Parallel. It creates a second 0/0, which immediately dies. Not much use. 4 batterskull is a little heavy, so I'd drop that to 3. With the 4 slots remaining, I'd add something like fecundity. Card advantage when you equip. Or teysa, if you add a black splash, to get evasive beaters when you equip. Or sadistic glee, to get a big birds. Or algae gharial. Or unruly mob. Or thraben sentry. You get the idea. This sounds like an EDH deck... HMMM.
Haakon Nameless Inversion engine would be good if you ran 3-4 Burning Vengeance...
By the way, I've been trying out a modified list of your WB Taxes list in Legacy. It's very good against Aggro and Combo, but is pretty weak vs control. I like it though.
I like your thinking, man. I guess i was being a little gimmicky in my suggestions. :) And taking another look at your board, with your meta in mind, I guess you're fine. I wasn't really considering the fact that Shaman is susceptible to removal. :/ All removal in modern, pretty much, besides... Death Rattle and Soul Reap? :) As good as KotR is, I think you might do better with more aggressive creatures like Gobbo Guide or other Zendikar beatsticks (Lynx, Red-landfall-insect-iforgetthename). As big as she can get, the goblin will give you damage faster. I would make the list more zoo-like, but that's never a problem! If you're still going for a slightly midrange aggro with a toolbox attached, I still strongly suggest adding mangara to at least the sb. And as much as I hate to say it, Goyf would be good here. I never pass up a two mana 3/4.
Nice, man. I ran something like this (Jund-colored) back in Lorwyn-Alara, and then I replaced Demigods with Vengevines when Alara-Zendikar was standard, making it Naya. It might just be my meta, but I'd add either Jotun Grunts or more Bogs to the sideboard. And Krosan Grip is always useful, so I'd up that too. I never ran Squadron Hawk in any decks, but that is beautiful card advantage, especially with Ms. Fauna. Nice choice. My advice for mainboard would probably be this: don't be afraid to use the shaman as a toolbox. You already have Pridemages, crusaders, finks, mindcensors; considering how low you are on creature removal, throwing one Fiend Hunter or Mangara of Corondor in here wouldn't be bad, and wouldn't mess with your 30-creature strategy either. Nice build. I might try it out myself. :)
Derp. Forgot about ooze garden being non-Ooze. Still I stick by my stance on the Mitotic Slime, and the Coat of Arms, too. They're not constructed worthy cards in this deck. On the other hand Duress (you should be running thoughtseize or inquisition of kozilek instead) and Blightning are all fantastic cards if you want to win in Modern. Raphael probably doesn't play Modern competitively, but if he does, he should know that. You'd do much better keeping Blightning and Maelstrom Pulse instead of Doubling Chant and Mitotic. Maelstrom Pulse is in the top 3 removal in the format, and Blightning will work out to card advantage more often than Doubling Chant or Mitotic, as awesome as the card seems, and is in limited.
Memories. The first deck I made was a 112 card casual deck running anything from Shield Mate to Coastal Drake (not playing against Kavus, of course). Basically, a ton of commons from Urza and Masques blocks with no focus, good cards, or good interactions. :) Now I have a casual red deck from those cards that has a curve of 1=Flailing Soldier, Goblin Patrol, Reckless Abandon 2=Flame Rift, Scent of Cinder, Flame Jet 3=Arc Lightning, Browbeat, Shivan Raptor 4=Keldon Champion With a couple Landslides. Fun, fun, fun. I'll put it up on Vault.
You have 10 CMC 5 cards, and run a cascade guy with cmc 4. I'd suggest removing Mitotic Slime and adding Ooze garden. Not only can it make your guys bigger toughness wise, it can keep Leeches at 4 power and make insanity in the late game with Gutter Grime. I surprised. I kind of like how this is turning out. It's Jund Ooze. Jooze. Never mind, that sounds racist. Oond, maybe? Jundslime?
The only thing I can think of... Intangible pumps all tokens. HotP would pump all tokens besides Golem and Pod, but also Splicer Champion, Traveler, and Mentor. If you want more efficiency, I'd go with that. Besides that, nice. +1
Ah well. Public opinion of you on this site will decline for a short period of time. :) You'd think they'd know by the title. Don't worry, most people still know you don't just build horrible black decks, and you can ask them to remove it. Your Hellrider tokens deck is pretty interesting, by the way.
Remove Gutter Grime, Breeding Pit, Contagion Engine, Consumptive Goo, Predator Ooze, Siege-Gang. Add 4x Putrid Leech. Punishing Fire is banned, so don't run that w/ Burnwillows.
Really solid deck, man. You've managed to take an archetype normally reserved for very casual players or noobs and make a reasonably competitive version of it. I still promote Doom Blade over Verdict, but that's just me. Could you look at my brew?
Nice deck man. It's sweet how SOM block actually gave red card advantage tools. The only thing I can think of is Signal Pest instead of Goblin Arsonist. He leads to more consistent Blasts and Rebirths, and in my experience can tack on more damage than the Arsonist in the end. Sorry Dreddmor, but I don't think Mortarpod would be as good in here. Could you check out a brew I made for standard? Thanks. Good building, and good luck.
Gary, Ian, please intervene. This has happened twice in the past 3 days.
Looks pretty good, man. If you want suggestions, I'd look at Jon Finkel's deck. He ran Dungeon Geists, Trafts, Delvers, Phantasmal Image, and Lingering Souls. It's a fantastic deck, you should check it out: If you want to see a novel and rogue build for standard, please check out my deck; it's like dredganimatontrol... I'm not really sure what to do with it yet, but it's working really well.
Masticore is fantastic once you get it out. It's loosely like a free Bolt every turn, and in your deck, it can enable things instead of giving you card disadvantage. And it's a 5 mana 5/5 with first strike. Talking about not having card disadvantage, Raven's Crime is a fun choice. Is that related to what you just said about having too much land? Talking about Raven's Crime, do you play modern? Because Raven's Crime is a great choice in a modern Loam deck. I love that deck...
Great deck, White and Blue. I've tried to avoid playing against Iso-Seek and Poxtraction because of how infuriating they are to play against. I would hate to play against this deck. You've managed to make a non-kitschy version of a Iso-Pox mashup. Nice choice with the Masticore and the Pharaoh. Do you plan to hardcast Masticore? Watch out with the "Iso-Pox" name. There might be dimwits out there that would try to say either that Pox costs 3 mana or Smallpox is a sorcery, each being ineligible for Isochron. If there are any noobs in your playgroup, you might end up with a bruise on your forehead from the facepalming. :)
@pyroklepto: Uhh, Doomed Traveler fills one-drop slots 9-12. Nice deck, Jarrett. With Stormkirks, Stormbloods, and Blademasters, I strongly suggest adding volt charge for slagstorm. While slagstorm will wipe your board, volt will take out their key creature (most important non-Titanic creatures in standard have toughness <3 anyway) and boost your own board. You can also use it for more life disparity if you're trying to get ahead in the aggro race. One problem. Generally RDW and its offshoots, of which this is one, have a 4 CMC curve-topping finisher. You have Urabrask and Elesh. In an aggro deck, which this is, you should never still be playing by turn 7, when you'd drop Elesh. On turn 5 with Urabrask, the haste won't matter because you'll have your creatures down already, and the tapping is only marginally effective. I'd suggest one of 3 spots here. First, Hero of Oxid Ridge or Hellrider; very similar creatures. Both offer effectively 4 hasty power, a form of evasion to your creatures, and an effective 1 power boost. If you're running against decks without many creatures, you'll want the Hero. But the 3 toughness on the Hellrider is very useful in a standard with plenty of 2 power and 2 damage things. The last option for the 4 spot would be Chandra, but she's more of a control card. If you want to see a novel and rogue build for standard, please check out my deck for standard: Good building, and good luck!
Nice build! Mind if I suggest a few things? I would drop the Blade Splicers for 2 Heroes, one more Haunting, and one Elspeth. Having more 3/3 tokens is generally better than having one 5/5 token. Especially if your 3/3's have flying. Elspeth is absolutely vital in these decks. The lifegain will keep you alive against aggro decks. I've seen someone at 1 life turn 5 and able to win because of Elspeth. Besides that, looks great. Can't really see it winning Grand Prixes or anything, but consistent tourney and FNM winning stuff! Hey, I might even be wrong. If you want to see a novel and rogue build for standard, please look at my deck: Good building, and good luck!
Hey, nice deck. Dark Ascension did a lot for Zombies. Zombies are a medium-paced aggressive deck, but the magic curve for creatures should still be having at least 8-8-8-4, adding on to anything but the 4 spot. It's okay to have some five drops, because the deck isn't like RDW or anything, but I would suggest keeping it about 3. I would drop the Havengul Lichs, as cool as they are. For the one spot, Gravecrawler and Diregraf Ghoul are the obvious choices, and the ones you made :). Don't be afraid to run 4 ghouls; swinging in with an Isamaru-sized creature turn 2 is great. For the two spot, Mortarpod is well chosen. I would up it to 3, because it's a great morbid enabler for your tragic slip (of which you should run more... 3?). But you're missing a second two drop. Black Cat + Mortarpod is great, and Black Cat can give card advantage, so I'd suggest that. Three spot, looks good. Geralf's Messenger is awesome, you might want to make that 4, but no biggie. Four spot, Obliterator is the no-brainer. Good choice. I think you should run 3, but that's just me. Spells... You'll want removal, disruption, and card advantage in a black deck. Removal, you have 1 ratchet bomb, 1 bsz, two geth's verdict, and two tragic slip. I would suggest 2-3 Doom Blade, 2-3 GftT, and 2-3 Tragic Slip. Ratchet Bomb is less immediate, and with a consistent curve, it can wreck your own deck. BSZ is only good for decks with bombs, so you won't want to drop it until after you hit a Grimgrin or something, and then wipe out all else. Not a great choice here, IMO. Doom Blade, GFTT, and Tragic Slip will make much more consistent spot removal. Disruption and card advantage are the same here, and I think your choice of distress is a fine one. Ponder is cool, too. If you want to see a novel and rogue build for standard, please check out my deck: Good building, and good luck.
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