Not necessary. I don't use her and I do fine. How's rune-scarred working out? I would replace him with a massacre wurm. What about removal? You're only running o-rings and Dismembers. Dismembers cannot remove demons, titans, wurms, or almost anything else that matters. Better off running go for the throat or doom blade.
You need ghost quarter. Just a suggestion, but against wolf-run, inkmoth, etc?
Yeah, the extraction would be first to go. That way you can bring you're doom blade count up to 4.
For aggro, maybe midnight haunting? Great deck. +1
Don't drop the sun-phantasmal combo. that's even better than the norn-grave combo. Great deck. I think you should feature more removal overall, though.
Solid deck. Dispatch?
Hey, nice deck. I'm trying to make the archetypal decks for the 5 basic tribals. Could you check out the zombie one? Thanks.
Hey, nice deck. I'm trying to make the archetypal decks for the 5 basic tribals. Could you check out the merfolk one? Thanks. Remand is great. Slows them down, wastes their mana, and nets a cantrip. Good call, Navauho.
Hey, nice deck. I'm trying to make the archetypal decks for the 5 basic tribals. Could you check out the merfolk one? Thanks.
Hey, nice deck. I'm trying to make the archetypal decks for the 5 basic tribals. Could you check out the soldier one? Thanks.
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