lol. Also, please allow me to introduce myself. I'm a man of wealth and taste. I've been around for a long, long year...
the ability to go unblocked. So flying, protection, unblockable, intimidate, etc. Add 1 Victory's herald, 61 cards is ok
Whoops, I hit add reply early. Well congrats, 3 extra likes for you. Mainboard. Take out Origin Spellbombs, because they are not pumped by Honor of the Pure. Add Spirit Mantle. Evasion is amazing.
Well, let's see. First, sideboard. Take out the Revokes and the Abunas. Add 3 Nihil Spellbombs, 4 Celestial Purges
I would take out your Serra Angels (as much as I love her, it is because she is a great card for control, NOT for you). Then take out 3 plains and add a Legionnaire. That should streamline your deck.
OK. It looks like you have some breathing room before you reach 10 bucks. So get 4 Honor of the Pure, 4x Mentor of the Meek, and get rid of True Conviction. Get 4x Darksteel Axe and you should have a nice, simple white aggro deck. You need a sideboard, just a thought. Here it is.
Hey, this is cool. Was this a popular storm deck once/now? It reminds me of this: I think I might want to make a legacy-viable version now.
Alright. Good deck. The way I went with the Back to Basics elf deck (, take a look) was to generate huge amounts of mana and then sink them into Ezuri or a huge Joraga Warcaller. This makes Taunting Elf unnecessary, as you can just trample over them for the win. In an aggro deck, Wellwisher should generally be unnecessary. There are many ways to go with an elf deck. This looks fine.
lol. Well, if budget isn't a problem and you have an extra $40 to throw at it, you should get some Primeval Titans. They're perfect here.
You have probably noticed that you exceed the $5 budget. So, I would suggest you replace your Hydras with Bellowing Tanglewurms for evasion and your Birds with Caravan Vigils. That should bring it down. But if you're fine with $20, that is cool too.
Get rid of Boneyard Wurm and Splinterfright. They will not be big in this deck. They were intended for self-mill type decks which use skaabs and Forbidden Alchemy, with some flashback. You do have mulch, but... Not helping you. You might want to keep the Wurms as an early option that will get to 4/4 later though. What you need is more mana Accel. 4x Elves, 4x Rampant, 4x Mulch should be enough. Creaturewise, less archers, less companions, more fatties. Turn One you want Llanowar, Turn 2 you want Mulch/Growth/Emissary anyway. How about Liege of the Tangle? I'll get back to you with more later.
nice title.
That's really fun. +1 from me.
Great job. Phyrexian Unlife is great here. It basically allows you to continue suiciding but gives you 10 extra life, untouchable by your own creatures (besides Flesh Reaver). +1
Here you go:
You need more Radha. I can't stress how good she is. With her and 4x Brighthearth, you will have plenty of mana accel. I'll make a deck and give you the link for some ideas.
I haven't played humans, but this looks good. I'm more of a control player, but... As a control player, I would want to kill this deck with lots of removal. You might want hexproof, shroud, or indestructible. Angelic overseer can survive removal and most board wipe, so you'll want her x2. Good luck.
What you need: Board control and graveyard feed. The main strategy for this deck can either be to abuse sun titan with snapcasters, lilianas, and o-rings, or (more mainstream) to feed your graveyard with forbidden Alchemy and use unburial rites' flashback. So you should probably have 4x Alchemy and 3x Rites. Armored Skaabs are counterintuitive, as they exile the cards you want to reanimate. Lab Maniac is unnecessary, as is jace. This should free up space for mainboard DoJs, which are completely necessary against humans and tokens. Timely can be both sideboard or mainboard. If you need more ideas, check out my solar flare. Good building, and good luck.
Hey. Nice touch posting all 4 Hymn arts. I unfortunately only own 2 Hymns, the wolf and the circle. Alright, bad joke time: There's only a One Wolf Moon because he discarded the other two... I feel ashamed of that joke already. I apologize profusely.
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