
0 Decks, 364 Comments, 44 Reputation

Fun. Blue is my favorite color, so seeing this makes me smile. My advice: Look at which spells and creatures that you really love, and get x3 and x4 of them. Lots of x1s means inconsistency. Or, you could use auras. Sigil of Sleep is this sweet old one Blue Enchantment that makes all of your creatures Mistblade Shinobis.
Nice job keeping the sea monster alive! People hate on that card for no reason. Good biggie for blue, and w/ your deck, fun to put out when you have a lot of cards in hand and a lot of lands.

Posted 01 June 2011 at 00:27 as a comment on BLUNESS


I like it! Simple concept, good execution. I love Etherium Sculptor. You're also not abusing the stupid new artifacts that have come out recently. Synergy between all of your baubles and stuff is looking good.
March of the Machines is so good. It is one of the most versatile cards in the game. I use if for land destruction:

Posted 29 May 2011 at 21:05 as a comment on Stampede of the Machines


Feral Animist=AWESOME. That is all.

Posted 28 May 2011 at 20:47 as a comment on Shaman Multi Pinger


I love Feral Animist!!! If you pump him with a Colossal Might and then play his ability, +10/+2 and trample for 5 mana.
Maybe not a very good card, but his flavor and illustration are SO COOL!!!

Posted 28 May 2011 at 20:45 as a comment on Tribal_Shaman


So... You get out Darksteel Colossus w/ your artifact mana and take away everyone's land? (Not necessarily in that order)
Cool! I love the march/lattice combo. Check out my deck:

Posted 28 May 2011 at 20:21 as a comment on 8 Post Lattice


Hey, I made a similar deck.
Your problem: You can't play this against Stompy. Quick mana accel would put them ahead of you by the time you pull the combo with the 6CMC Lattice. I suggest Master of Etherium or Tempered Steel to save your lands and make them an army of weenies.
I love that combo, though.
Check out my deck:

Posted 28 May 2011 at 19:57 as a comment on March of the Lattice


I love this theme. Feature more double strike!

Posted 28 May 2011 at 19:18 as a comment on W/R Soldier T2 (Comment please)


Nice deck. I would be a little more positive, but I'm not a big fan of Stompy and/or powercreep. I don't have suggestions because I don't play this deck-type. Could be pretty powerful @FNM.

Posted 28 May 2011 at 19:15 as a comment on Stompy/ramp?


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