
0 Decks, 364 Comments, 44 Reputation

Whoops, its Syphon Soul, which is different from syphon life. Syphon Life is the Retrace.
Syphon Soul 2B
Syphon Soul deals 2 damage to each other player. You gain life equal to the damage dealt this way.
Might be an option for multiplayer.
In my similar deck, I never get over 40 life, so sovereign might be something to take out for the council. Then again, you have more lifegain than I.
Also, needlebite trap is situational. Also might want to SB that. I find I don't get to use it besides in multiplayer.
Try playtesting with Syphon Life (the retrace one). It's really useful late game, to keep reviving your spell.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 18:52 in reply to #201265 on What's This?


Hey, I run a deck like this at home (not on the Vault). I like. How about... Divinity of Pride?
And watch out... Don't give in and turn this into a vamp deck. There are too many of those anyway.
SB: Soul Syphon for multiplayer.
Syphon Life is cool. Souls of the Faultless is awesome, so you might want to make that 4.
Just thinking--if you're running the priests and the wardens, you might want something that makes creatures come into play. Maybe Ghost Council? He also causes Lifegain/Loss on his own, and if you have several wardens and priests, that would be cool.

Posted 18 September 2011 at 14:54 as a comment on What's This?


Lol. By expensive, I mean CMC.
As for defense, maybe... Spellskite (if are willing to buy) or maybe dissipation field? Also, ice cage or frost breath could slow them down, but at that point in time, you're wandering away from mill and towards control.

Posted 17 September 2011 at 23:23 in reply to #201131 on Infectious Milling


Jace is expensive, although he does evade bolts. I don't know. Are the counterspells et al enough to slow down your opponent generally, before you get jace?
Also, does the mana curve work usually?
One more q: Do you usually win by infect or by mill, or either? Because if it's only by mill, you might want to replace infect with more defensive creatures. Either way, Thrummingbird was a great choice.
Good deck!

Posted 17 September 2011 at 18:57 as a comment on Infectious Milling


Oh, and if you add red, you get this deck that's on the front page right now.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 21:25 in reply to #200983 on Jace's Mill


Splash black for liliana's caress and bloodchief ascension and you essentially get a deck I made ( Even with the 8 cards at or over 5 CMC, this deck looks pretty good on the mana curve. Pretty cool. Could do well at FNM, maybe a tourney too.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 21:23 as a comment on Jace's Mill


Jace's Archivist doesn't get nearly enough love. He is an absolute monster in any deck. Combos with so many cards. You aren't even trying to combo him, but he already combos with Jace's Erasure. Ridiculous.

Posted 16 September 2011 at 02:16 as a comment on Infectious Milling


Awesome deck
btw caress and ascension are amazing with jace's archivist, or any windfall/tolarian winds style cards that get them discarding 4-5 a turn. That's pretty much what you're doing with red, and you're doing it really well.
I run archivist with caress, ascension, jace's erasure with some tutors, counterspells, and removal for game. it's really efficient and cheap. I might want to add red for burning inquiry et al. This deck provided me with good ideas, thanks.
Here's my deck link.

Posted 12 September 2011 at 00:06 as a comment on Discard Kill Deck


Nice. What are you using City of Brass, Dark Ritual, Lotus Petal for? They don't seem that necessary. Maybe just a few more lands and maybe another tutor.

Posted 11 September 2011 at 00:14 as a comment on LabMan, Library Extinguisher


Yeah, sorry about that. Didn't read the card well.
Anyway, Innistrad's going to be an amazing set. It looks like the "mill yourself" thing will be a theme with Lab Man, Deranged Assistant, Mirror-Mad Phantasm, and etc.
That will be interesting.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 22:55 in reply to #199494 on Mill yourself


Love this deck. Umm, probably not necessary, but how about Treasure Hunt + Selective Memory? I guess Mana Severance + Selective Memory is better, but there's something cool about drawing your whole deck. Also, Treasure Hunt would trigger the maniac, since you would try to draw one when you had none. Then again, you might just want to add tutors for tainted pact instead.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 15:19 as a comment on Mill yourself


Heads up. You have 61 cards due to an extra Godless Shrine. This deck controls really annoyingly. I love how mindcrank completely breaks Bloodchief.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 04:45 as a comment on BloodCrank for Modern/Extended.


heh. I love how you can have 2 glissas in play in this deck. That's one thing they did right with planeswalkers (for example, Planeswalker--Jace).
Really cool use of Hex Parasite!

Posted 10 September 2011 at 04:41 as a comment on Artifact Love/Hate


And better.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 04:33 in reply to #196919 on Izzet Infinity


Odds//Ends (dual card).
It's a good card in the right situation.

Posted 10 September 2011 at 04:32 in reply to #196476 on Izzet Infinity


My friend ran a casual mill deck with the lich that i could not beat. Instead of Norritt, why not just run freed from the real? you should have enough mana. Anyway, with 4 pemmin's, you don't really need either.
You might need to make more zombies. you might want 4 grixis grimblade. Information dealer is OK...
Good deck!

Posted 08 September 2011 at 22:30 as a comment on Lich Lord


there is. right next to the deck on "my profile and decks"

Posted 08 September 2011 at 01:08 in reply to #29931 on Energy Vampire


Yeah, I could see that. And since Loam has Dredge, you really only need to pull 1 per game, and with the Heaths and the Cycle Lands, you should be going through your deck fast enough to pull one.
Loam+Sun Titan is scary.

Posted 01 September 2011 at 00:37 in reply to #196649 on Persistent Slide


UKTABI KONG. I'd tap that.
But seriously, you should probably have at least 1, for flavor. Lol

Posted 01 September 2011 at 00:24 as a comment on DEATH BY MONKEY!!!!!!!


Nice and simple. This has every good Vamp from Zendikar. You might want blood tribute, as a kind of tribal version of Tendrils.

Posted 01 September 2011 at 00:14 as a comment on Vampires


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