How about "Joe Walsh's Legion"? If you don't know what I'm talking about, ah well... Also, I would suggest getting rid of the not so great illusions (Blind Phantasm, Mistform Skyreaver, Mistfolk, maybe the warchief) and adding in some spells similar to redirect. Twincast, counterspell, both work. And... Distant melody, for some card advantage. By the way, you should have at least 18 lands, maybe more. I'd suggest halimar depths.
This is a refreshing deck. It's nice to see that white control can be stopped by a simple RG aggro.
Pingers in blue were one of the original mistakes made in Alpha by WotC. Slowly but surely, they have been colorshifted to red, from Pro Pyro to Lightning Crafter. Even if they were mistakes, they still allow for the amazing combos like the ones you have made. I respect that very much. Could someone please look @ my upcoming standard mill deck?
Nice deck.The problem is, you have no way to win unless you invest 12 mana in transcendent or somehow pull your 1 akroma, both of which have low probability. How about you add more mana accel, so that you could invest 12, or play akroma. Maybe have to akroma, also. Good job!
If you don't want to break the bank with FOW, why do you have mana leak...? Anyway, cool deck. The thing is, once you get your lorescales and your dryads big, what do you do? There are too few biggies to finish game w/ distortion strike, or protect you early game until you execute. How about that Alara Reborn one, Nulltread Gargantuan? You could bounce a whirlpool rider, which is sweet with your Lorescales.
I love the deck. Do you know if red has any way to recover stuff from the graveyard? Also, Ball Lightning, Hellspark Elemental are both kind of crucial. And awesome. Sundial of the Infinite helps save a lot of those elementals from dying at end of turn by ending the turn early. If you incorporate my suggestions, you might want it too.
I made a deck using one of the praetors, and a good way to deal with cost is to use quicksilver amulet. Maybe instead of spellbomb?
You know, you can have groups of four instead of just entering the same thing four times :) Fun, cute deck. I'm waiting for you to splash green and put in overrun.
By the way, Reverberate doesn't work on X spells like comet storm and fireball. Word of warning.
Claws of valakut for spikeshot elder, I assume? Fun deck. Maybe you don't need obsidian fireheart. A little slow. I would suggest blaze or mana accel instead.
Whoa. Ardent Soldier is surprisingly awesome.
My friend used to run this deck. It was so fun. Good times back in Lorwyn.
Ovinomancer is a cool card. My friend uses it, and I love it when he turns terra stompers into 0/1s. Makes me laugh. He also looks like Tim from monty python, and the illustration is hilarious. A reusable ovinize. Might work in your deck.
Ahhh, the new powercreep. Makes me cry.
There's this card that's a squirrel beast who can be a 7/7. You might want to add him. By the way, AWESOME!!!!!!
This is a fun deck. I could see this deck having green (dawnglow infusion would become twice as good). There are a lot of multicolored lifegain cards that work really well. Those token creators are all very expensive (not that it matters that much), but with that many creatures already, kind of unnecessary. Also, Martial coup kills your sovereign. You might not need playsets of EVERY card. For example, Oracle of Nectars? You would never need two on the battlefield at one time.
I would not like to play against this deck. :)
Yay. The cutest creature type from lorwyn, whose only real purpose was to be inducted into M10 soldier decks. It's nice that someone did them justice.
Lots of soldiers. I basically have this deck at home. I don't know. The knights are useful, but don't fit with your tribal theme. Also, you might want to make your Dariens x2 and your Lances 0. Lances are bad, and you could replace with hyena umbras or knighthoods, hyena umbra being strictly better and knighthood blanketing all of your creatures. Indestructibility is kind of hard to get out. I'd rather just pump out some soldiers with Elspeth and then make everyone indestructible. I would say something about too few lands, but the draw hand button tells me otherwise. Good job!
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