
0 Decks, 364 Comments, 44 Reputation

Looks like a solid build, man. Let's see.

4x Mainboard boardwipe, with 0 in sideboard. Against Illusions, Gaggro (like the name? OK, fine.), and RDW, three opponents you have listed, BSZs are very useful. Might want to slip in 2 SB for Sever the Bloodline and... 1x Spellskite? Without Splinter Twin in standard, the only real thing Spellskite does is protect against targeted removal (You run dissipate and Snappy), and get Angelic Destinies against Humans and WW (neither of which are listed in your top decks). I would replace the last Skite in the SB with another Revoke Existence. You never want to be caught unarmed against Tempered Steel etc.

I would normally be meh about the 26 lands; I've found 24 to be the Control sweet spot. But with 2 evolving wilds+1 ghost quarter and 2 Sun Titan, I think you're ok. Plus, you can hardcast Elesh.

I kind of don't like sever the bloodline. The only real thing you'd use it on in standard right now to exile more than 1 creature is "Spirit", and at that point you'd want to board wipe anyway. DoJ, BSZ, and STB are all ~4 mana, and you really only need 4 mana to really take care of Tempo with a BSZ anyway.

Against aggro matchups, I strongly suggest Timely Reinforcements. But that's just me.

Good building! I encourage you to look at some of my recent brews.

Posted 21 February 2012 at 01:15 as a comment on Esper Nova (Solar Flare)


Yeah. From what I've seen, most dredge decks have no problem getting a Zombie token out, and every time GC dies, he'll leave one. But the one mana could be used for much better things in Dredge.

Random thought: I definitely think it's good that Wizards banned Grave-Troll and Dread Return in Modern. That prevents dredge from wrecking the format. Most of the key dredge cards are from post 8th anyway.

Posted 16 February 2012 at 03:29 in reply to #233630 on LED Dredge


Looks solid! I suggest Nihil Spellbomb in the sideboard to help against graveyard-reliant decks, which I predict will become very common.

Posted 16 February 2012 at 03:24 as a comment on Standard Budget Series #8 Tempered Steel


That's a noble concept. I would like to suggest a change, though; this isn't control. Control generally locks down the board until it can drop a game winning play uncontested, like a titan or something, the most classic example (from Alpha) being Serra Angel. Your overseer qualifies. But other elements of your deck make it a tempo deck; for example, there is vapor snag and delver, all cards that help your tempo in board presence rather than killing your opponent's in board control. So the is a Tempo deck, not a control deck. To emphasize this difference, you may want to drop the lifelinks and think twice for ponder, which will trigger delver and help keep your "Tempo" smooth.

Once again, noble that you're making budget decks in a standard with Geists and Wolf-Run taking all. I'll make sure to look at some of the others in the series!

Posted 16 February 2012 at 03:20 as a comment on Standard Budget Series #9 U/W Control


Well, not my deck, but I'll try to answer your questions.
First off, I'm assuming you're talking about the 6 one mana black discard spells and not the equipment, because if you're not, *facepalm*. The advantage of running 3 different types? Inquisition is great against Merfolk/Goblin-type decks, whose curve usually ends at 3 or 4 mana anyway, so you can get them for pretty much anything. Thoughtseize will shut down combo, but might not be the best choice against aggro, where that 2 life will cost you more than the 1 card you're removing, which will likely be replaced by a similar one (Lord of Atlantis by Coralhelm Commander). Cabal Therapy is great game 2 or 3, when you know their deck. Ideally, he would sub in 2 more later or adjust those choices from the sideboard, but his sideboard is chock full of other stuff already.

Posted 16 February 2012 at 00:24 in reply to #202784 on BW Stoneblade


Do you thing Gravecrawler has any potential in Dredge? Or is it too clunky?

Posted 13 February 2012 at 21:13 in reply to #233630 on LED Dredge


Nice build. Never though of using Sun Titan instead of an Iona-like creature here. I guess it works better now that you use the Bloodghast-Paradise engine instead of Ichorid.
What does Winds of Change do?

Posted 09 February 2012 at 23:55 as a comment on LED Dredge


Lol. You should probs add a win con, though.

Posted 09 February 2012 at 03:54 as a comment on Lich Channeler


Ooh. Literary conversation. Mind if I join?
Ender's Game; I started that one a couple years ago. I really enjoyed it, and I believe that it is definitely one of the best sci-fi series on the market. I've heard tremendously positive things about the rest of the series, but haven't gotten around to reading them.
The Odyssey: My favorite epic, hands down. Unless you count War and Peace, which is prose, so... Compared to the Iliad, which is more invigorating and angry, I think the Odyssey really captures a great slice of human suffering. It's beautiful.
I can't say I've heard of the others. Mind giving me a 1-2 sentence hook on them?

Posted 08 February 2012 at 02:48 in reply to #232607 on Dubs Hundred


Hey man. Looks like a pretty solid list. My preference would be to remove the Swords and the Bloodline Keeper and add Grave Titan as the main finisher. He is incredibly good. I would also suggest Think Twice. You need more card advantage, and that's a spell that could sit around in your graveyard waiting until you really need it. It's really useful.

Posted 05 February 2012 at 19:46 as a comment on black blue control is cool


Sorry, I forgot about sideboard: I'd suggest Naturalize or Ancient Grudge, Nihil Spellbomb, and Elixir of Immortality. Autumn's Veil is fun, and so is Combust.

Also, could you return the favor and look at my pod deck?

Good building, and good luck at FNM.

Posted 05 February 2012 at 05:24 in reply to #232323 on Standard Werewolves


Looks good. I suggest 2 more Mondronen Shaman, so you can make your werewolves flip or else. Instead of Lambholt or Ranger?

Posted 05 February 2012 at 05:16 as a comment on Standard Werewolves


You're back to making decks! Fantastic.
Ghoultree is one of my favorite cards to come out of DKA. They're piling on the Dredge love with Tracker's Instincts, Mulch, Ghoultree, Grim Backwoods, Undying, etc.
Question: Is this casual, or Legacy? Also, could you clarify the difference between Dredge and Filth?

Posted 03 February 2012 at 19:40 as a comment on Soultrain


Some people just don't get it.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 14:44 in reply to #175587 on Turn 1 Legacy win


For name: This deck is called ANT (Ad Nauseam Tendrils). For other versions, look here:
I could keep going. You could also Google it for the MTG Salvation Wiki page on it:
One thing I'm NOT saying is that you copied it. I'm sure you came up with this on your own; I did the same when I was looking through a bunch of Alara rares and found Ad Nauseam. I posted 3 versions, 2 workable, on the site, and that's how I found out what it actually was. So, congratulations for discovering a deck type, and I hope some of those can help.

Second of all, this is NOT TPS. TPS is Vintage, for one, and the only way it resembles it is the inclusion of Tendrils. By that logic, [almost] all storm decks are ripoffs of TPS, which is just not true. This is ANT, a completely different archetype for a completely different format with a completely different engine.

Now, for material advice on the deck: a fantastic combo is Infernal Tutor+Lion's Eye Diamond if you need to tutor out cards from deck. You can effectively get a 4 mana Ad Nauseam or a 3 mana Tendrils if you play LED, play Tutor, sac LED, get Hellbent, get whatever you need, and cast with 3 extra mana at your disposal.
If you end up running Kobolds or more 0-mana creatures, Diabolic Intent is an unbanned Demonic Tutor. You already run Culling the Weak. If you want to continue down that thread, you could have Altar's Reap instead of Night's Whisper.
If you end up running lots of 0 mana artifacts, Mox Opal would work. As of now, Chrome Mox would work.
You need disruption in Legacy, and the best for this deck is Pact of Negation. Duress is good to pick out mean combo-stoppers like Force of Will. I wouldn't want to run Thoughtseize, though; your life total is too precious in this deck.
You could also mainboard 4 Cunning Wish and SB one Ad Nauseam to effectively run 7, having 4 of them cost eight mana to play, but only hurt you 3 life on the draw.
YOU ONLY WANT TO RUN 2 TENDRILS. You might be worried about killing yourself with Ad Nauseam for running too few, but running 4 and not having a high enough storm count by the time you have to cast it will lead you to take 4 life and wait for another. That will kill you much more often than not running into enough. This is CRUCIAL; it will help you win games. Or maybe just not lose games. Which is the same thing, I guess.
You could also just look at the MTG Salvation link which is located somewhere above the mountain of text I just dumped on your page for ideas. It has the archetypal version, and that one is undoubtedly the best out there.

Hope that my advice can help you. Good building, and good luck. +1.

Posted 03 February 2012 at 14:43 as a comment on Turn 1 Legacy win


Well... I like your choice of Counterspells etc. You should complete the playsets of GftT and Doom Blade in your sideboard, though, so if you're up against a deck with Grave Titan or Wurmcoil Engine (the only black or artifact cards to really be worried about in the standard environment), you can mix it up. Also, with the prevalence of Tempered Steel, I'd suggest having 3x Blade and 2x GftT instead of the other way around.
You seem to be adding a lot of Tempo/Aggro/Tokens cards in here where they don't belong. Stalker, Niblis, Vault, and Sword are mainly what I think of. I would say that Sorin is just for token decks, but his ultimate is so tasty... You plan with him should be to put out vamps to act as chumpies and then get up to six to have some fun...
So I would say remove Stalker, Niblis, Vault, and Sword to replace them with Unburial Rites, Forbidden Alchemy, Think Twice, and Tezzeret's Gambit. Tezzy only for the planeswalkers.
Nice Building!

Posted 02 February 2012 at 20:30 as a comment on Esper control


What was your thinking behind Eastern Paladin? Because that isn't a bad card for modern at all. BB, (T): Destroy target Goyf. Good choice!

Add a sideboard, Smother Inquisition of Kozi Deathmark will kill zoo. Extirpate and Surgi Extraction are good choices, too.

Posted 31 January 2012 at 01:39 as a comment on modern knights


Yeah, Elbrus + White would be quite good.

There is one black card that mentions equipment. 1!

But black does have evasion and mana accel, and artifacts are artifacts.

Posted 31 January 2012 at 00:58 in reply to #230606 on Thelon EDH


Here, you asked me to comment.
Hunted Dragon?
Also, classy use of Ashnod's altar.

Posted 31 January 2012 at 00:19 as a comment on blasphemous reprecusion (plz coment sugestions)


Nice deck. I'd suggest you throw in a sword of some sort for your guys to wield. Instead of Rolling Temblor?
I think Burning Vengeance is better in Modern, though. Here's what I tried:

Posted 29 January 2012 at 22:25 as a comment on Burning vengeance


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