Thanks for the reply, went out of town for the weekend so I didn't get to respond early. Xenograft I added because as soon as I used the deck, LotU got an even bigger target mark than elvish piper did when I still used my progenitus cheat deck. So I ended up putting that in, however, it'd probably be easier to drop something specifically for it... Xenographt was the first solution I found and so I added it in. And i just noticed its 5 mana, not 4, which completely bombed its worth in my eyes. For now I will leave the deck unedited until I find a solution to the problem with doomblades and go for the throats. I do like adding in more buff and I suppose outside my particular playing group it'd be much better like that, so I will most likely sideboard Xeno specifically for my playgroup. And vapor snag...oooh. I'll probably sideboard mental misstep and put that in. Sleep...possibly. I'll try it out in my group and see how it works out. Thanks for the feedback!
Making "Psychic Surgery" was a huge mistake. Iso-Seek just got a whole lot better.
I love it. +1 (actually +2) again sir! I might just try something like this out. Seems pretty awesome and I was definitely not expecting to see a tribal like this...well ever. Awesome job :D Love the graveyard play and the Evening Star surprises :P
So you would make an equipment deck without stoneforge? I was extremely against putting in batterskull too, but my friend convinced me it *might* be worth it. have not playtested yet so i dunno.
Am i the only one here who has a problem with the fact "deux" was misspelled as "doux"? Because my eyes keep drifting to that and its really bothering me... other than that, I was just hoping you, surewhynot, could check out a new NPH only deck I made and then post suggestions for the standard version/SOM only i plan on making (both of them). Deck link: First attempt at shamelessly advertising. I think i did a good job at it and don't think I will be doing it again. And if you want to check any of my other 93 decks, here are their links: --OH GOD--! I'm doing it again!
i completely agree, did not notice my complete lack of anything with flying...and then discovered vault skirge. Thanks for the comment!
It was kind of hard to make using only cards from NPH and it can obviously use better cards in it. I tried to get more control in it but didn't really know what to use (did not want to splash green for Beast From Within). Misstep happens to be in there because 26 lands is far too much. Finally i did not think of Blind Zealot. That is definetely a great idea. Thank you, will drop the missteps for it.
I'm debating a lot of different cards (like what you mentioned) for the SOM block deck i'm making and the 3rd standard version (yup, i'm making 3 of these). This deck was made mainly for fun and because my playgroup is making a fun "challenge" day where people can only use cards from a single set or block (guess what, the next one is NPH :P). Thanks for your comment, I'll take these into concideration for the other versions!
your trying to sell a completely unrelated deck, post no constructive criticism, and then try to bribe me? I refuse to do so. Find someone else to boost you to the front page -.-
this is a truly aweful deck. You know how many different decks out there that costs only 10-20 bucks win by turn 1? Plenty! Even more if there isn't a budget. THERE ARE EVEN TURN 0 WINS (Win on your opponents first turn) and they play by the 1st basic rule of mtg: 4 card limit.
how do you get a lockdown turn 1?
Blightsteel was fun, though it got pathed in two different games as soon as it hit the field T_T I think I will put one in for another win condition. Thanks!
thanks man!
Heat stroke.
EDIT: -2 Harrow -2 Memnite -1 Myr Retriever -1 Master of Etherium -2 Forests -1 Mystical Tutor +2 Prototype Portal +2 Sensei's Divining Top +2 Sphere of Suns +2 Grand Architect +1 Mox Opal
oops, to Maleficus, its supposed to be "I may add 1 mox opal" not "I may do 1 mox opal". I have no other of the OP moxes, though I wish i did T_T
Tolarian Academy was much for me and I only included it because I got one for free from a friend a while back when he quit magic. I only have 1 ruin because thats all I need: Reap and Sow will get me that one and Mystical Tutor can get me Reap and Sow. Plus, with all the artis and Reap And Sow, Tolarian will be pulling me a good six mana. And I already have 4 etherium sculptors in the deck, I don't know if you just glazed over them. However, I may do 1 mox opal (all I have). Sensei's Divining top is a good idea, I may just add a few.
Everflowing chalice won't help much, but Sphere probably will. Being able to bounce it with Master Transmuter will help too! I'll try out 2.
Because Blighsteel has absolutely nothing to do with the deck, and even though its a great win, this isn't exactly a tourney deck. This deck is supposed to win by taking over for your opponent and using his own stuff against him, and not through poison counters. However, To make the deck more competitive, I will try adding in 1, since with tinkers thats all I need, and see how it fairs. I will not edit it in here, but if its a success in playtesting, I will put it here.
Prototype portal was actually in here but I also though the ten mana each turn it would take to play would be a little much, but completely self-sustainable. So I took it out without thinking of grand architect, which would be perfect since i could just tap my blue arti creatures to lower the cost! I'm gonna add 2 of each!
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