I took out nobilis and razia and i did much better without Razia but got punished without nobilis, because of the +2 attack and then the first strike stuff. I don't want more lieges, but i agree on 2 more hearthfire. I am putting them in, thanks for the feedback.
So I just one my last game with this: Turn 1: Mountain, Lightning bolt on player Turn 2: Mountain, Forked bolt on loam lion and player Turn 3: Mountain, Ball Lightning, 6 damage. Turn 4: Mountain, Pyroclasm kills 3 spirit tokens Turn 5: Mountain, Ball Lightning + Fling. It was a very fun game.
Banefire requires like at least 5 mana to be any good. Obsidian needs 4, and I also have no banefires sadly T_T If I get any banefires though I will try it out!
loved the story. I would have made a part travel to Kalastria so i could add Highbornes :P
Doubling Season!
Fireservant costs 5 mana. Mana games I don't get that much. By turn 5 I hope to have my opponent to less than 5 health, and I almost always have done that with this deck. While its a good card and doubles my damage, its just too slow and not worth it, as they are quicker cards I can place in there. Magma pheonix, with its 5 mana, is in there because its my favorite red card, not because its a good, quick, damager. I also like its reusable pyroclasm. Basically its a last resort card in case my deck goes past turn 8-9 and my opponent still has high health. I don't need more than 2 last resorts.
I gotta say, I have never seen a burn deck like this. What I see though is a lot of cards added because they deal damage and are great late game. Personally, I try to never add late game cards that don't do massive damage. Ex: Magma Pheonix. THats a pyroclasm on steroids. So cards like Hammer of Bogardan don't fit well. I would take out that, as well as volcanic hammer, for stuff like forked bolt.
I have no spark elementals myself so I can't playtest that card, but i know some people in my playgroup do so I will try to get them to playtest. For now I will sideboard it.
did you just sideboard random stuff?
XD love it!
Not hell's thunder, its basically -2 attack ball, and a +1 attack for one more mana, and its unearth cost is awful!
One of the problems with your feedback: Your telling me what to put in but not what to take out for it. Dragon lord was a maybe from the beginning and I agree that it should be out, but is there anything else that is unecessary?
I thought of peaks but it comes into play tapped and i want mana fast and win fast.
Thanks for the feedback! Gonna edit the deck now.
Oblivion ring rather than ice cage. What about Cho-Mano Revolutionary? Thats basically the glitterings without the lose ability!!! PATH TO EXILE!!!!!! To finish it off: Wall of Omens + Venser the Sojourner
this deck made upcoming? cool! first deck to make it there!
i use stuff like giant growth + livewire lash lol. thats why all the instants are in there. don't think i need more than 12.
I laughed so hard when I saw this deck.
Question for Surewhynot if he still looks at this deck: I put in harrow only because I saw every other stompy use it (well, almost every). Why is that, and not stuff like rampant growth (or enchantments like overgrowth)? Especially Overgrowth...thats like 2 extra mana for each time a forest is tapped....yet no stompy I have seen uses it...
I have always preferred Genesis Wave and Elvish Piper (though that gets killed like, immediately) and other cards like diabolic tutor (though black) to summoning trap also.
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