I'm sorry, I meant to ask: How does a good black control stop Progenitus? Protection from everything, and then I have Priveledged Position, and then when its destroyed it goes back to the deck, and Fauna Shaman AND diabolic tutor to make sure i get it and can cheat it out...
Well there are 4 and protection from everything means he can't get blocked...or be targeted by anything. I will put gaea's herald in though for protection from counters, but even if Progenitus gets countered he just goes back to the deck...and fauna shaman does the rest.
Ball Ligtning rather than arc runner (but thats extended not standard)
agree with Hellion Eruption.
You know, it might be, but I haven't run into the problem yet and I have won 2 games because i lightning bolted it and cleared the field so i didn't get overrun with a swarm of tokens. It may end up being a sideboard card.
WOW!!! Dragon Arch is Amazing!!!!! I'm putting them in...thanks!!!!!!
The Black lotuses were more of a joke than anything else...
you have a point...ok, I will find my 1 endless horizon i have and see if anyone in my playgroup has an extra and try it out.
Damn I should have made my 40th deck celebration, just recentely passed it T_T and all my decks are my own :P (at least I make them without looking at others directly) So My question: 1. What is your favorite deck type? 2. Best color combination? and my favorite card: Creakwood Liege :D
Hopefully I can keep it within extended...but if there is something really good from really far back I won't hesitate.
I totally agree. I am also putting shatter in there.
Chandra's Spitfire was one of the first cards I considered. In fact I playtested with 2, and I have found I did better with Kiln Fiends than Spitfire. While it is a great combo with Fireheart, I am taking fireheart out and I do have a few sorcery's and instants that don't do damage. Plus, kiln fiend is cheaper :P
FIRST DECK TO MAKE POPULAR!!! YAY!!! Now to the purpose of this post. After much thought: Obisidian Fireheart: Way too slow. I'm taking it out as for it too work...its just too long. I have yet to win because of it, and I have only one game I have won with it on the field. When it comes down to it, there are much more cards that do better. And after playtesting 2 assault strobe...well I only got one game when I got both ball lightning and an assault strobe but when I did I won basically almost immidietely. So: Obsidian Fireheart is out, 2 assault strobe are in.
Whats the infinite combo?
I'm sorry, I had to post this comment at 2 different times (started here and then finished later) and meant to say: Keep strata Scyth at 2, get rid of fog, and get 4 leatherback baloths.
For a first, decks (I believe) should never get too much over 60 cards or you will stop drawing cards you need. Note: I am focusing more on deathtouch and making a decent green. So lets start with what has to go: Get rid of: Momentous Fall Slice in Twain Savage Silhouette Ondu Giant Greenweaver Druid Spined Wurm Vastwood Gorger Whispersilk cloak Oakenform All the Umbras bellowing tanglewurm Khalni Garden Greater Basilisk Rampant Growth Borderland Ranger Growth Spasm This takes out: 32 cards. You now have: 54 Now what to sideboard: Naturalize You now have 52 cards. What you absolutely need: 2 more harrows, making 4 harrows. 1 more Garruk Wildspeaker! 1 more Irresistible Prey Rather than Ondu Giant, take a look at Sylvan Ranger: Its faster, which is what is important. so add 4x sylvan ranger, making your deck total: 60 But That can't possible be all!!!! WHERE ARE THE LEATHERBACK BALOTHS!!!!!! Any green deck imo needs that, its a 4/5 for 3 mana!!!! add 4x Leatherback Baloth You know what, if I explain everything and go step by step this will take forever. So skip a few steps here and there and explanations and here is the final product: 4x Turntimber Basilisk 4x Sylvan Ranger 2x Pelakka Wurm 2x Fauna Shaman 4x Llanowar Elves 2x Mosstodon 2x Engulfing Wurm 2x Khalni Hydra 2x Asceticism 4x Strata Scyth 2x Basilisk Collar 2x Garruk Wildspeaker 4x Harrow 2x Irresistible Prey 2x Fog 18x Forests 2x Oran-Rief, the Vastwood With the amount of mana finders and mana ramps you don't need more than that. Oh, and verdant catacombs are a deck thinner so you could replace 4 forests with them but they are expensive and aren't necessary.
Zalakut takes too long and by the time it works I won't need it at all.
Decided to remove boros and put in 2 spectral procession.
Thanks for the feedback!!!!! Will change the deck! The problem I have with endless horizons is it takes at least 4 mana and its only to the hand...i don't want knight of white orchid that much but its the best rush I have found :(
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