Haha I know. Why do you think there are culling dais? and i can use doomblades or other stuff to get the tokens :P
Second Place. In the draft the guy who won had a Platinum Emperion, i had 1 grasp of darkness and no Doom Blades...i couldn't kill it and lost :(
Gah, your mean! I am never going to play you, and I will just rage quit anyone who runs this. Its...broken lol.
awesome deck! Training grounds + mantle + untap abilities. thats just mean.
lol, its a celebration, recognition, a "thank you", not a deck. It wasn't supposed to be a deck. He doesn't look like a fool and he isn't one.
NICE JOB! I'm almost too 60 :( Congratulations! Lets start: 1. My favorite card keeps changing as I make different decks. I still love wilt-leaf liege and everything else I have posted on other decks like this, but for now: Wurmcoil Engine. Its just way too freakin awesome. 2. My Questio: I actually have 2: Can you try to explain tempo to me again? And what are your 3 favorite decks and what is your favorite card (excluding Bloodghast :P) Actually, thats 3 questions but hey, i'm curious. 3. My three favorite decks...this is not chronological order, I love them all the same. 1. Artifact Rush 2. Mono Red Burn 3. Mill honorable mention too: A. Green/White Token B. Mimic Vat Decks
Completely true, editing.
Well I haven't checked comments on this deck in forever and I should have...i did not realize scepter was only instants dam it :( But, it does work with twincast and imagining being able to copy any spell of your choosing once per turn for only 2 mana? Its awesome!
Evil dude, evil. I don't get Tempo as no one (out of the 27 different decks) plays anything like a tempo, but even I can get this. I've been abused by silence before (Isochron Scepter + silence every single god damn turn, eventually my playgroup just outright banned scepter). I have seen one deck more evil than this: voltaic key + Time Vault. That...was by far the worst game ever. T1: island, voltaic key T2: island, T3: island, then mana leaks my mimic vat :( T4: island, memnite, tinker, time vault, voltaic key on time vault infinite turns. Thats worse than panoptic mirror + Temporal extortion!! Anyway...I think I know where my next cash wad is going...
awesome deck!
Uh...Ok, so I love the name! That alone is getting a like :P But here is the feedback: Cloud Crusader is awful, GET RID OF IT. Also, everything here seems standard...which is a bad idea with knights IMO. Make this extended so you can include all the way back to lorwyn so you could add: Kinsbaile Cavalier Knight of Meadowgrain Now for standard stuff I cannot believe you did not add: Knight of the White Orchid!!!!!!!!!!!
I made a deck like this printed and its really fun ^^ I set it up without scars of mirrodin and how this works I should have put it in! Nice deck!
OK, so a few comments of my own: Get some finders. Diabolic tutor, they are cheap. Lilliana is actually pretty cheap in comparison to the cards in the decks that win tournaments. There is no need for tainted strike, get rid of that. Get a big tank: Carnifex demon. That paired up with a skinrender in mimic vat is extremely good. So: Add in diabolic tutors and Carnifex Demon. You also may want to find a few more stuff that have "when comes into play or leaves play". There are a ton of cheap ones out there for black and standard.
I don't agree about taking out the chalices, and i don't agree with your sideboard for this deck...i'll keep looking for sideboard cards that would fit. I believe the sideboard should be for your decks weaknesses...right now, there isn't a super weakness I have played that I need cards in sideboard dedicated to countering that. Its like this: in my green elves I sideboard Gaea's Herald, but will ALWAYS put it in when facing control. So lets say this deck weakness is artifact destruction (which is a weakness), so I would put in stuff that give shroud to my arti's (if i can find black cards that can do it) etc. Actually, i don't need techtonic edge. The opponent plays activates the manland and I just doomblade it.
OK, so, for my apology check the next comment...again i am sorry. Now for your feedback: Carnifex Demon is definetely in there!!!! I've personally had very bad experience with lilliana, and while it is good, it doesn't really fit in how I see the deck...I will try to trade for it and test it. Fume spitter: was originally in there and i took it out for 2 more memnites for the vampires ability. I may put in 2 more, but really, contagion clasp does the job just as well. Vat + it would be cool and so I will add in 2 for now but I will playtest it see how it works. I already got enough kill stuff, don't need consume imo
Phylactery lich...eh i dunno. Possibly.
Hey dude, sorry about the comment. I was frustrated at the time and looking for some way to vent. Actually, its not very similar to my deck at all i just saw the name + the mimic vat + skinrender. This is a nice deck. Skinrender in the mimic vat -1/-1 on the Carnifex then spread -1/-1 to each creature then get all of them with Lilliana. Its pretty awesome. I am really sorry for the comment, it was completely false and only a way to vent anger, and I should not have done that. Happy Deckbuilding!
Thats basically the replica...except the replica can be used for the vampire's metalcraft in case i don't need the draw.
I didn't think of culling dais actually, but its perfect considered the tokens get eliminated anyway. Thank you and will add!
I never thought of percursor golem and its a great idea! Will edit it in!
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