He just dies so quick so I put in 4. Haven't been able to do much playtesting due to MTGO is down right now and I haven't gotten together with my playgroup yet.
and it can serve as early game accel if you need it.
I love it! I'm surprised however you don't have cheap cards that let you draw such as Preordain. And really, why is it that every Draw deck has to have a JtMS? Jace Beleren can accelerate just as well, and is about 70 bucks cheaper -.- This looks like its supposed to be standard, so a lot of my suggestions would suck (such as Niv Mizzet but thats not even the right colors!) I would say with all the acceleration this has you don't need 24 lands...maybe bring it down to 22 or 20 and then add some early game acceleration to make sure you get the cards you need? All in all, I really love this deck :D
you'll draw nothing at all but forests. put other stuff in.
contested war zone seems aweful...can you tell me why its in there or even any good?
it shows the same forest on both links though...which is why I was curious.
ooh, this looks fun.
I completely forgot to mention...why do you have 5 forests and then another 5 forests....whats wrong with just 10 forests in one place.
I been waiting to see this! LOVE IT TOO! I tried making it myself but I could not get the right feeling to it...well, nice stompy! AGAIN!
vindicate...never seen that card before but its so much better. And your completely right about the grotto too! will now edit.
well...most of the cards are very low mana....i don't think i need rituals.
I can't believe how fast this deck made the upcoming...I saw it posted about 5 hours ago and it doesn't even take 2 hours to get to 30 likes...and its 45 now??????
that was my idea :P
Hey! I was gonna do the infect stompy!!!!! I've been making it in my head for weeks!!!
Welcome :P And if it was mono green it wouldn't be a buck, it would be 10!!!!!!
Wouldn't it be the Noble Hierarch harder to get??? Its way more expensive :P And the lands are a bit on the expensive side, most are about 10 bucks or more. I'd just buy 2 of each gateways (which are slightly cheaper and you don't need 4 of each really) and then basic lands (or 4x of the naya land)...it almost always solves my mana problems (AND they are extended legal :P)
Tempting wurm seems awful...why is it in here? am i missing something?
seathing song? pyretic ritual?
Love the name! Now my feedback: Knight of New Alara and Reliquary??? I Don't personally think they fit. I would have thought behemoth sledge personally... And what about Spellbreaker Behemoth??? for 4 mana you get a 5/5 that can't be countered? I think thats just awesome. And possibly lightning helix?
god, I completely forgot about the Rite!!! I definetely need it in there.
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