Actually, on second thought, even though this deck was meant to start off as a "screw you discard" its not really that anymore. Its more like I discard my own cards to get them out 2-3 mana less or completely free...
ooh, great idea! Gonna go search for those.
or don't play 2 memnites and it just requires 4.
I know I'm talking for myself but I hope I am for others, but were not attacking you. Were trying to show you how your deck as it is won't work in tournaments and how to improve it (as this site was made for). I'm really happy you and your friends got into magic. If all you guys are using decks filled with commons and uncommons and are all decent (but not tournament-quality), then this deck should be able to do great. Thats how magic works: Sadly, to make some of the best decks, you gotta spend a lot of money, and a lot of people don't want to do that. When you say you want to keep this deck cheap, a lot of people think a cheap deck is like 30$. The deck has potential but if you ever want to go to tourneys your gonna HAVE to speed it up, put in a lot more removal, possibly some counters but with removal it isn't that necessary, and you would have to spend more money. Its how Wizards of the Coast makes a profit. I hope you find the right combo to make this a great deck within your playgroup! Thats what I do with my decks mostly, and because of how it turned out, most my decks have to win quickly because some of them are extremely competitive. I think what got most people off on how you wanted to keep your deck (casual vs. tournament) was your mentioning of that it was standard tournament-legal and thats why we all keep suggesting fast cards, removal cards, counter cards, pricey cards rather than cheap cards to help your deck in your playgroup. Happy Deckbuilding, I hope we see more decks from you and you stay into magic ^^
The idea CAN work, but I don't see how it could be a budget deck. Right now, its more of a casual than anything, because as many people said, most tournament decks don't wait around. They either bring the game to a complete halt and don't let you do anything or kill you before you can :(
if you want an endless loop of damage to your OPPONENT, check out guilty concsious. Put that on stuffy doll, and boom, infinite damage on target opponent (after you use the doll's tap ability)
forgot to mention in my other comment, this deck is extremely slow. Most my decks win by turn 4-5. With no early game really, except your infect which against my decks (and a lot of others) really do absolutely nothing (ESPECIALLY my venser and burn deck). And just to clear something up: Having 30 mana over 24 is actually awful. Why? because after you've drawn all the mana you NEED or even want, your still gonna be drawing mana half the time. I think even 24 is a little much with your proliferate and chalice (you can proliferate the charge counters on chalice to make it even more effective). I'd lower the mana to 22 actually.
i gotta say right now. Creature removal by proliferating -1/-1 counters often won't work fast enough. It works, but sometimes you need to kill a 4/4 IMMIEDETIELY because of its abilities and you can't spare the 4 mana to use either contagions. I would add a few doom blades or go for the throats, because ANY deck no matter what WILL benefit from them. Secondly, the deck is a very solid deck. If you want to make it a good deck or a great deck, sadly, your usually gonna have to buy a few cards that cost 4-5 bucks. Of course there are exceptions to this rule ^^ and who know, this could be one of those exceptions. Now for some cards i think you might want to check out: Phyrexian Vatmother. For 4 mana you get a 4/5 with infect for the small price of a poison counter a turn? I think thats great (unless you are fighting another infect deck, then its awful). I would get a few and use them, and take them out if you fight an opposing infect deck. The thing is also like only a buck. Phyrexian Crusader. All out amazing card, though pricey. its 6 bucks, but one of the best infect cards. Skithirix the Blight Dragon lol, 10-20 bucks depending where you buy XD Thats only if you want to really get serious, and you prolly don't even need it in most cases, though the thing is just a huge bomb that can normally get the finishing hit. But what i think you definetely need is go for the throats or doom blades. Lastly, one of my favorite cards is Skinrender. Why? it gives 3 -1/-1 counters on a creature which can kill a lot of creatures or significantely weaken them! You could also try mimic vat. Mimic Vat + Vatmother means you don't get the poison counter, and you get a 4/5 with infect and haste for 3 mana a turn. Or you could do it with ichorclaw rats. Or with your opponents creatures. happy deckbuilding!
actually, if this goes right, its just plain impossible to counter.
the mill deck I have today (not the one i posted 2-3 months back) has a lot more control. I'm too lazy right now to edit the deck to match the exact printed deck atm, (and i have other stuff to do) but I plan to get back too it. And you are completely right, btw. I found that out when playing a lot with it ^^ I got a few counterspells and ponder's and mana leaks in the real one, and then i don't have anything like inquisition in there, that might be a good idea. Thanks for the feedback!
just in case you did not know, you can't kick something out of mimic gatekeeper.... Actually, what I would have thought would be here is wurmcoil and then a way to sacrifice it. That way you play wurmcoil from the vat, sac it with an ability, get 2 3/3 wurms that STAY.
i love it! fastbond + zuran + crucible. Play a land, then sac to gain to life, then fastbond and crucible to replay them for the cost of 1 life, then sac for 2 life, infinite life dude!!!! and infinite 1/1 spirits, or all your lands!!! Pirahna marsh for infinite damage...just plain awesome. Ghost quarter to just destroy all their lands...its just too good :D the combo goes off and boom, your opponent loses, thats it.
if you want an aggressive control i'd suggest a rush artifact. that does the job very well but is in general fairly expensive for most beginners (though i think a deck worth 75 or less isn't that expensive if it does the job :P) What I see here is an extremely spread out deck that doesn't really have a focus. I'd suggest trying to find what kind of deck you want to play (artifact control, artifact rush, ally, control stall, counter, flying, swarm, etc.) and then building a deck focusing on that strategy. I'd give tips on the kind of cards you would need but I don't know what kind of deck you want to run.
Time seive dude. Time Sieve + thopter foundry is infinite turns.
lemme rephrase. It has a lot of different combos based on a single card.
glimpse the unthinkable.
man, i completely forgot to respond and edit the deck to this comment 2 months back XD Thanks for the comment (kinda late)!
awesome deck
gaah i hate cephalids. A new person just joined my playgroup and he stopped getting new cards at mirrodin and one of his three decks is cephalid (he has more, he just has 3 he plays with). Its the most boring deck to play against and it almost always wins -.-
awesome lol :D love combo decks like this!
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