Nice suggestion, not sure what I could pull for Stormbreath Dragon but it is an awesome card. If you have any other ideas to make it more competitive I'm all ears, that's what I shoot for building decks :P
Glad you like it! I don't really know what I'd take out to make room for more mana ramp. Awakening Zone helps out a ton with that though as well. Great question, by the way, I never thought about that. I'll have to replace Grafdigger's cage with something else. Thanks!
Removed the 2 Mikaeus, the Lunarch cards for 2 Temple of Plenty lands. Mikaeus was beneficial but it is looking like the additional lands give this deck a bit more consistency.Also: Thank you to everyone who has got this deck to the Hot Page! :) I really appreciate the likes and suggestions!
A few suggestions: First, you should definitely have Dragon Tempest in here to give your dragons haste and also deal X damage to target creature or player where X is the number of dragons you control. I'd drop your Singing Bell Strikes for them.Next, you could probably do without a couple lands as as you have a really low mana curve for a dragon deck.Draconic Roar is going to be better for you than Lightning Strike.I'd drop a Atarka and a Surrak (I personally don't ever like to have more than 2 of the same legendary unless it's absolutely essential to the deck working) as well as your Mindscour Dragons and throw in an additional Crucible and some Scourge of Valkas cards. You could also look at the dragonlord cards that are appropriate for your colors.I also feel like you could find a better dragon than Shockmaw, but don't have a suggestion off the top of my head. I'd also, personally, drop Whisperer of the Wilds for Birds of Paradise as it's a possible turn 1 drop and you don't have a lot of green in this deck so her formidable ability doesn't work to your advantage as much in this deck.Nice deck though. +1 Like. Check out my dragon deck if you have the time (it's Jund).
Nice deck. I'd drop the spell pierce and dispel for Swan Song personally. You can't counter creatures with that card but it's a more or less guaranteed counter and you have the burn to remove early game creatures under most circumstances. Don't have much else in terms of suggestions though. +1 Like.If you have some time check out my newest deck on here.. it's a dragon deck. Always looking for suggestions.
Nice deck mate. Warriors are lots of fun, especially with the new block. +1 Like.
Haha no problem man, always appreciate your input :)
Haha no problem dude :) Glad you like it! If you have any suggestions I'm all ears.
Thanks for the suggestions! I think I could pull Mikaeus for a couple of lands so I will need to play test to see if that works better. I have Oblivion Ring sideboarded for removal, it costs more but is a more dynamic removal card.
Nice suggestions, I'm just not sure what I could pull to make it work. I'll be posting more decks on here later with hydra cards and what not. :)
Running black would compromise the deck too much in my opinion. Also, the Birds and Sylvan Caryatid allow me to flashback Lingering Souls.. Don't have much of a problem with that unless I'm facing a burn and/or control deck. Glad you like it :)
Glad you like it! Champion would be pretty great but I feel like I have too many different types of tokens for him to have the synergy he could have in a human tribal deck. But yes, increasing devotion and champion is a wicked combo.
Of course, I try to do the same, was just an idea. Zealous Conscripts would be good for this deck. Maybe would be better than the Guides on this deck, but then again those let you see what Your opponent is going to draw. KISS is definitely a good rule to follow, I just feel like the more win conditions you can have without compromising the deck the better as well.
Just another win condition.
Nice deck mate, got to love infinite combos. Don't have many suggestions for this deck.. but if you're looking for another infinite combo here you could use Painter's Servant and Grindstone. Not sure what you would take out, but that would give you two different infinite mill combos in your deck.If you've got some time, check out my newest deck on here.. it's about dragons :) Suggestions are always appreciated.
Pretty cool deck, I would consider putting in cards like Guttersnipe and Young Pyromancer to help out your burn. If you want to replicate your burn, you could use cards like Dual Casting, Pyromancers Ascension, and Increasing Vengeance. Out of anything, I would up your land base by one and put in Guttersnipe and a couple Purphoros for an infinite damage combo with Midnight Guard and Splinter Twin.If you have time, check out my newest deck on here.. all about dragons. :)
As I had commented in a similar deck, you might want to consider putting in Panoptic Mirror to imprint your extra turn cards. I'd also consider dropping a Walk the Aeons and the Temporal Trespass for a couple of Crucible of Worlds, might let you use your Walk cards more. Otherwise this is a good deck. Infinite Turns are always fun.
Nice deck man. If you weren't shooting for standard, I would suggest putting in a land like Cavern of Souls, but I prefer Modern or Vintage so I'm not entirely sure which lands are standard right now. +1 Like.If you have the time, check out my first deck on this site. :)
Greater Auramancy is interesting, might be better than Privileged Position but I'm not sure. It only protects your enchantments, where as PP gives all your other permanents hexproof, which can protect the planeswalkers and particularly Hero of Bladehold, though it costs less.. Hmm. I kind of like Runed Halo, but I'm not a huge fan of cards where you have to name a card to protect against it, as you have to get familiar with a deck before you know what to name. Story Circle seems pretty great, might drop the Oblivion Rings for it, but I'm not sure. It's nice to have some sort of removal depending on the deck I'm facing.
I have Ghostly Prison in the sideboard to help slow down aggro decks and other decks that rely on swinging with a lot of creatures. I'll need to check out those other cards.
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