Do you have a link to it? I'd love to check it out. I just glanced at a few top 8 but don't think I found the one you're referring to; seems aggro slivers is popular where as this is more midrange with more elements of control.
Yeah it's an amazing card in Exalted. :]
I think CC and Vial work better in your aggro slivers deck, not sure what I'd take out for them as well. Yeah Lantern and Mana Bloom really help out with mana and lantern neutralizes blood moon as well. Thanks for the input, always appreciate it :)
Yeah it would be a good card for this deck (Coat of Arms even more so) but between Megantic Sliver and Sliver Legion I think I've got enough creature buff.
Nice deck North. I know it's a budget deck and I'm not sure about prices but if you dropped Winged Sliver for Galerider Sliver this deck would be modern legal. That being said, I think for budget your best approach would be aggressive aggro, so here's my suggestions..Drop a Striking Sliver and 3 Winged Slivers for 4 Galerider Slivers (If it's still within budget, drop Striking for Bonescythe)Drop Sentinel and a Might Sliver for 4 Sinew SliversDrop a Blur and Battle Sliver for 2 Venom SliversAnyway, I'll leave a +1 Like for you. I know my decks aren't budget (built for competitive play) but I'd appreciate your feedback on the Sliver deck I recently posted on here..
Nice sliver deck Zak. +1 Like. I know you're going for an aggro approach, but here's my suggestions..I would drop Striking Sliver, Two-Headed Sliver, Hive Stirrings a land for some control/removal instants. Some combination of Remand, Cyclonic Rift and Path to Exile (or 2 out of the 3) comes to mind. I feel like 29 creatures is a bit excessive and you don't need more than 20 lands with such a low mana curve.While they do cost a bit for an aggro deck, I'd also consider finding room for a couple of Sliver Legion's and Bonescythe Slivers. You could probably drop a couple of Diffusion Slivers and a couple Predatory or Sinew Slivers to make it happen. If you get a Manaweft Sliver out, with the kind of creature dropping you can do in this deck, I don't think it would be too much of a problem to get them out.With those changes, you could smoothe out your mana base a bit for exclusively Bant colors outside of cards like Sliver Hive, Cavern of Souls, and Mutavault and still likely have very little problems getting out the 5 color beasties like Hivelord and Legion.I recently made a Sliver deck on here, and I'd appreciate your input if you get the chance. :)
I like the idea in general and I could see burn being viable as an alternate win condition/creature control until you can get your combo going. I left a like earlier but I made my own Splinter Twin deck which is more based on control (counter spells, removal and some burn). I'd appreciate any feedback. :)
Changed up the land base a bit, should go a little faster now most of the time.
You actually get to choose the order on the stack so you can have the exalted triggers happen before Lightmine Field's trigger thus not killing a bird or heirarch. It's a great control card for an exalted deck. This deck has 22 possible exalted triggers not including multiple instances you can get with Archangel. I've play tested it quite a bit and haven't had problems with having sufficient triggers to wreck your opponent. Left a comment/like on your deck. Thanks for the input :)
Nice Exalted deck. I actually didn't know that the exalted triggers from the first combat phase stay for the second attack with Finest Hour, so I appreciate that information. That being said, I don't like ever having more than 2 of a legendary creature unless it's totally fundamental to the deck working so I'd drop 2 Rafiq for 2 Detention Sphere. I also think you might be better off dropping a FH and Avenger for more control, I personally like Remand and Cyclonic Rift for an exalted deck. You may also want to drop a couple birds (Exalted doesn't need very much ramp) and the squires for 4 Ardent Plea as this card gives you 2 exalted triggers for one card essentially. I'll leave a +1 like for you. :)
Did some more play testing and decided to change out Stoic Angel for Silent Arbiter.
I don't play Standard so I don't have much in terms of suggestions. This looks like a pretty sick deck though and very simple design. I'll leave a +1 Like.Hate to advertise, but I'm always looking for feedback on the decks I build. If you have time, check out my newest deck on here (I play modern)
Ha, well I wanted to make a control deck with DM outcast and scute mob. Most decks using those cards are gruul land ramp and I'll likely post that iteration later on. Tarmogoyf is a sick card though so it's not surprising it's so common in the modern meta.
Exploration is indeed amazing, but not Modern legal. The reason I'm running 2 Oracle and 2 Rites of Flourishing is I don't want to give my opponent excessive card draw and Oracle gives me a couple additional creatures as well in case I need a blocker.
Changed up the land base slightly.. should move a bit faster now.
Changed up the land base a bit.. had too many lands that came into the battlefield tapped and that slowed down the deck.. should move faster now.
Added some additional instant and sorcery cards as well, primarily Abrupt Decay, 2 Dreadbore and 2 Maelstrom Pulse... adds some much needed removal and defense in the deck and definitely has made it more competitive.
Made a few changes to this deck. Seems to play faster now with the addition of Elvish Piper. Also changed the land base a bit to have 4 Mutavaults since they have great synergy with Scourge of Valkas and Dragon Tempest for additional direct damage.
Glad you like it! Sigarda would be a good sideboard card possibly but don't see a way to make room for her in the main board.
Pretty fun deck, and definitely not bad. A few things your waifu may want to consider..I'd drop the sungrace pegasus and horizon canopy for 2 parallel livesI think this deck could also use some cards that create larger tokens to populate such as Armada Wurm and Grove of the Guardian. Hate to advertise, but if you get a chance I'd appreciate your input on my new exalted deck.
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