Yeah, the unfortunate part about trying to build competitive decks, especially in non-standard, is that they cost a bit. I play the decks online at this point.
Kiora, Oracle and Rites of Flourishing all give me land acceleration. This deck is more geared towards controlling the board until I can get Outcast and Scute Mob going rather than ramping as quickly as possible to get them going. I'll be posting another iteration of this deck in the future that is more geared towards ramp to win instead of control and conquer.
What would you drop them for? They are essential to maintaining consistent control to buy you time to get Outcast and Scute Mob going in this deck.
Normally, absolutely. However, Outcast and Scute Mob (the win condition) don't become useful until I can get 6 and 5 lands on the field, respectively, so I don't want to thin out my mana base.
I thought the owners of workstation stopped updating their database? Never heard of cockatrice but will have to give it a try. I'll need to play test some more to throw up results on here.
Bramblesnap is an interesting card for exalted to be sure. I was thinking about Knotvine Paladin but I think the other creatures I have, particularly Geist of Saint Traft, can do a more than sufficient job. Silent Arbiter is great but I think Stoic Angel does a better job in this deck. Archangel would be amazing but the diversity of mana in this deck would make getting 3 white manas a bit difficult. Thanks for the suggestions, hope you like the deck :)
I don't actually own the decks I post, physically. I played casually in college and now I am volunteering abroad so I play online through Magic Virtual Playtable (I highly recommend this software - lets you test play your decks as well as play others online). I've played 10 games or so online with this deck so far, and it does really well against most decks. Some decks it can have trouble with would be aggressive aggro and extraction. Decks it does really well against are mid to late game decks and other control decks, from what I've seen. Unfortunately though, I don't have any stats and I'd need to play against more decks to get a better feel for it, but it does well against most. It especially does well if you can get Isochron Scepter on the board early and put a Remand on it.
Good point. I'll change it for something else.
Explore is nice but it's not as dynamic. Kiora gives you that effect plus a means of neutralizing an opponent permanent or protecting your own as well as a means to send out large krakens if you can get to -5. Planeswalkers are also more powerful in decks that feature Doubling Season since they enter with double the counters. I'll probably post another iteration of this deck in the future which is based on land ramp instead of control.
Dropped Nylea and Spawnsire of Ulamog for 2 Llanowar Elves. Play tested a few times and it gives the deck a bit more consistency, really helps get things going having a better chance to be able to drop a mana producer first turn. Changing the sideboard accordingly.
I like Turn Aside, but it's not as dynamic as Izzet Charm. I was definitely struggling with what Instants to put in this deck, especially since I want them all to be 2 CMC or under to imprint onto Isochron Scepter (god, I love that card). It would be nice to have some additional draw as well to pull out the lands, as unlike most decks that use Dragonmaster Outcast and Scute Mob this deck has zero land grab, but I felt like the control was more important to protect the win-condition.
Different approach to elves, going for tokens. Nice! This deck is also a pretty viable approach, and costs a bit less than my elf deck lol. :PA few suggestions.Drop Wellwisher for 2 Joraga Warcaller and 2 Elvish ArchdruidDrop Door of Destinies and Harmonize for 2 Coat of ArmsDrop a Archer for a Nylea, God of the Hunt (she is more powerful in your deck than in mine)Drop Seal and and Ambush for some planeswalkers.. Garruk, Caller of Beasts and Nissa Revane are insane in elf decks. Also, make your llanowar elves 4 of one set :PAnyway, I'll leave a +1 like here.
Will do, Shui. Glad you like the deck!
You could be right. I could probably drop Nylea and Spawnsire for a couple of extra one drop mana producers like Llanowar Elves to add a bit more consistency. I'll have to play test it and see if that's more consistent. But this deck is usually pretty consistent and if you get out the right cards you will have absolutely zero problems with mana production.. unless they get removed. Could look into some other kind of card for additional protection of my creatures if you have suggestions.
Thanks for the suggestion I'll look at that card.
Definitely. Those cards also would work well in terms of synergy with this deck but splashing red would do more harm than good.
Ha definitely understand that. It's still a good deck, just could use a bit more flavor to it to give it that extra bump. Anyway, looks like you're a pretty awesome deck builder so if you ever have the chance I'd definitely appreciate your input on any of the decks I post you'd care to look at :P
Nice deck man, this burns fast. My suggestions are..Drop Exquisite Firecraft for another Temple GardenDrop Shard Volley for another Lightning HelixI would suggest Guttersnipe and Young Pyromancer as they're great staples for burn in my opinion, they're likely a tad slow and your 1 drop creatures are great in this deck.How did it go at FNM? Leaving a +1 Like.Check out my newest deck on here when you get the chance.. I definitely appreciate your input :)
This is a pretty nice deck, but I feel like it could be a bit more dynamic. Here's my suggestions.Drop Harrow for Sakura Tribe Elder.. costs 1 less and is essentially giving you the same output as with Harrow you have to sacrifice a land to grab two. He can also serve as a blocker if you find you don't need more lands.Drop a couple Overwhelming Stampedes (4 is too many in my opinion) for a couple Rampaging Baloths. Liege of the Tangle can also be a fun card with a Land Ramp deck. Also, I'd drop the Khalni Heart Expeditions (too much land ramp is redundant, shouldn't need more than the 4 Cultivates and 4 Tribe Elders) for 2 Doubling Season and 2 Asceticism. Anyway, leaving a +1 Like.My Dragonmaster Outcast/Scute Mob deck takes a different approach.. it's a RUG deck that controls the board until you can get those cards going, but I'd appreciate your input. Have a good one!
Nice deck, got to love making walls huge attackers. A couple of suggestions..I'd drop Steel Wall for Wall of Omens.. a bit more expensive, but this deck is so cheap that it would probably still fit into your budget theme.I'd also drop a Soul of the Harvest for another Tower Defense. Otherwise this is a pretty cool deck. +1 Like.If you have some time check out my newest deck on here.. it's a RUG control/overrun deck.. Always appreciate your input.
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