Nice deck! +1 Like. Inspired me to make a similar one of my own.. (I'd appreciate feedback if you get the chance) :) being said, here's what I think could make it better..Drop a Font of Mythos for another Howling Mine (cheaper cost) and the Ascension for another Orb.Drop the Wheels for another Tutelage and 2 Elixir of Immortality (cheaper and gives you life with the same effect of making it so you don't self mill)Drop a Detention Sphere and a Ghostly Prison for 2 more DissipateDrop the Safety Spheres for Monastery Siege.Finally, I think you could drop a few lands for more instants (Cryptic Command and PtE would be best I think)
Made some recent changes to this deck.. I think it will work slightly better now. Dropped 2 Increasing Devotion, added 2 Emeria AngelDropped 4 Wooded Bastion, added 2 Arid Mesa and 2 Wooded Foothills (will help better spam Emeria Angel's ability)Dropped 2 Privileged Position and 2 Idyllic Tutor, moved 4 Path to Exile from sideboard to mainboardMade some changes to the sideboard as well..Let me know what you guys think.
Yeah I would say main-boarding PtE has been more helpful than having Venom+Might Sliver. This deck has gone through a lot of changes lol >.>
Yeah I have PtE sideboarded but will main board it now.
This deck definitely runs smoother now with the land changes. Unfortunate that I can't fit in basics now for PtE but it's worth it... Might finally be done modifying this deck lol.
Changed up the land base accordingly. Dropped the basics and island/plains fetches/pains and now have 4 hives/caverns/vaults.
Yeah, but the things that's nice about the fetches is that it thins out my land base making me more probable of drawing the slivers I want in addition to making sure I can grab 2 slivers each time with CoCo. I'm still trying to figure out what's best for the deck though - I don't use the Island/Plains cards that much so I'm wondering if I should drop that set of fetches/pains for more Hives/Caverns/Vaults but I'm not sure.
Totally forgot about Mutavault, I'll change out Township for it. It's true that those are the best lands for this deck, but I also want to ensure I've got enough cards to search for with my fetches to thin out the mana base. I like having 2 and 2 for for the fetches and pain lands. I could possibly drop the Island/Plains fetch/pain lands to increase the count of Hive/Cavern/Vault but then I have less cards for fetching to increase the probability of getting sliver draws as well as 2 slivers with CoCo.
Doing some deck snooping. Pretty strong modern twin deck. +1 Like.I think you should drop the Leaks for Rune Snag or Remand. The advantage for Snag is that they get more powerful for each one in your graveyard, and with Remand you get to draw a card but it goes back to their hand. It's a matter of personal preference but Remand is usually my go to counter card, especially with a deck like this where you want to draw into your combo.Speaking of which, I think you should drop Lavamancer and a Mage for to add 2 Pestermite and a Kiki-Jiki; reduces your chance of a second win con but increases your chances of the primary one.Next, if you were to make these changes, I think you'd be better off with 2 Izzet Charm and 2 Cyclonic Rift in place of the Bolts; just gives you more control as well as a means of extra draw with the Charms.Lastly, I think you should drop a mountain for the another Sulfur falls.I'd appreciate feedback on my own Twin deck if you get the chance :P
Did some more play-testing, decided to add more cheap Exalted creatures. xD
Thanks for the feedback. I never thought about Sculler, will have to make room for him. I'll change out Illness in the Ranks for Dismember as well. I usually run graveyard hate but I think it's counterproductive in this deck since I need cards in the graveyard for Goyf and Ooze; could possibly make room for SS though in the sideboard. In terms of mana dorks, I don't see anywhere to make room for them and I haven't had much difficulty casting what I need. Glad you like the deck!
Ah, misread the text on Vortex. The extra lands make it more useable for this deck having excess to discard for damage. I can also see Ravens Crime being great for a Goyf deck so it mostly comes down to personal preference. Still a pretty evil deck all the same. xD
Okay, made another round of changes. Let me know what you think.Basically, after more play-testing I decided having 4 Vials, CC's, and Descendants' Path was redundant. So.. Dropped 4 Paths, added 2 Sentinel and 2 Venom SliverDropped 2 Megantic Sliver added 2 Might SliverDropped 2 Cavern of Souls and 2 Sliver Hive, added 1 of each Bant basic land (for PtE and similar effects) and 1 Gavony Township.
I'm actually changing out Gaddock for Blood Scrivener. Did some further play testing and you can get to 0 cards in hand quite frequently so I think it's a better card than him for this deck. Also, yeah, I try to build decks for competitive tournament play (I unfortunately don't own them physically, just play online at this point) as to hopefully be able to win back the money you invest over time.
This is a pretty well constructed deck. +1 Like. Here's my suggestions..Drop the Chandra, Olivia Voldaren, and 2 Liliana. Add another Tasigur and make Abrupt Decay/Thoughtseize 4 of each.I'd also drop the Terminate's and add 2 Dreadbore. It's a tradeoff of having an instant versus a sorcery but Dreadbore lets you destroy Planeswalkers as well. You could go either way with that though, but that's my personal preference of the two cards.If you have a chance, I'd appreciate feedback on the Abzan/Junk Goyf deck I made.
Nice deck man. +1 Like. Here are my thoughts to possibly improve it.I'm not a huge fan of Vortex in this deck since it removes cards to power up Goyf as well as Delve cards for Tasigur. I'd drop them for another Tasigur and a couple Scavenging Ooze.I think you can drop Raven's Crime and Faithless Looting to go 4 of on Thoughtseize and Abrupt Decay.You could also drop a Liliana and a Life From the Loam for another couple Lightning Bolt.Finally, I think 25 lands might be excessive for your mana curve. I've definitely seen a lot of Goyf decks run at 25 but I personally think you could drop a few for something else. I've got a fairly similar Goyf deck although it's Abzan/Junk. I'd appreciate your feedback if you get the chance. :)
Suggestions to make it better? This deck is very similar to several top 8 Abzan/Junk Goyf decks, and from what I've play tested it usually wins around turn 5-6 and doesn't have problems against most decks.
Nice deck overall. I think that you're lacking on the creature front though for this deck. Here are my suggestions..Drop the Flings and 2 mountains.. add 1 Steam Vent and 2 CyclopsDrop Artful Dodge and Assault Strobe.. add 4 Rift BoltPretty nice deck overall though. On the cheap side for a Modern deck too, and I can definitely see this deck being competitive. +1 Like.If you have some time, I'd appreciate some feedback on my newest deck :]
I think Gut Shot is really only good in a Storm deck honestly. I feel like there are better burn cards that could be used in this deck.
I think Warren Instigator is an amazing card for Goblin aggro. This deck is more about overwhelming your opponent with goblins for a quick kill (turn 4-5) than the goblins helping each other; there just happen to be goblins in this deck that can increase their lethality. I was thinking about Raid Bombardments but decided against it; it has great synergy with the goblins but costs a bit for such an aggressive aggro deck at 3 CMC. In terms of the sideboard, I try to it for cards to hate against other decks more so than bolster my own. Glad you like the deck! :]
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