Good idea, but Squadron Hawk rotated out of Standard.. so that won't work! Thanks for the input tho! =)
The problem is the land count in general. This needs to be around 23-24 lands.. 18 forest, 2 mountin, 2 inkmoth, 2 kessig would work. I wouldn't count on always having that Birds or single mountain to work for you. I also feel that 4 of each Veridian Emissiary, Llanowar Elves and Birds of Paradise is a bit much on mana dorks. Try cutting the elves back to 1 and add +1 Acidic Slime or Thrun, +1 Mountain and +1 Wolf Run main deck. You don't really even need Inkmoth's to win with this deck consistently.
Love the Skinshifter in this deck. However, I'd like to see a few Sword of Feast and Famine or Batterskull to equip to some of these dudes.
Cool deck. One of my all-time fav cards is the Isochron. The most evil imprint has to be Timewalk.
Gideon Jura would love to be in this deck. Make all creatures attack? Lotsa tapping going on!
Thanks for the comments! I'm just trying to attack from a control angle. Against fast aggro decks, this deck will suffer a bit. Don't get me wrong, the original list is great. I'm just trying to put my own spin on it. I chose Torpor Orb over the "comes into play" abilities. That setup works really nice with urabrask, as does Wurmcoil and Moltensteel. That's where all my offense will come from and it will work nicely more often than not because of Spellskite. I haven't tested it yet, but it seems to have some pretty good synergy on paper.
Congrats! I'm sitting at 160 decks currently. I didn't start getting into serious deck building until after about the first 20 though.. Fav Card? Old school Alpha Shivan Dragon. It just screams "NOSTALGIA!" 1) WHAT .... is your NAME? 2) WHAT .... is your QUEST? 3) WHAT .... is the Captital of Assyria? 4) Who? What? Where? When? 5) And sometimes WHY?
Changed the manabase to more accurately reflect the removal of Grave Titan in needing double black, to the inclusion of Urabrask needing double red.
I also removed the lightning bolts and Go for the Throats for doom blades because of spellskite. I removed the 3 dismembers for Beast within because it can target Tempered Steel and my spellskites can block the tokens without dying. Seemed like a good change...
Hey man, can you check out my changes on that Jund deck? I need an outside opinion.
The changes I made are a little more control.. so I hope it works. I can't decide between Spellskite or Overgrown Battlement. Spellskite can protect the Cobra and Lavamancers early, as well as shut down Splinter Twin and Caw Go equips. The battlements will just ramp up nice. I added in Torpor Orbs and Urabrask to screw people's game plans. By doing so, I had to rid myself of the Grave Titans and add in Wurmcoil Engines, which I think are just better anyway, especially against board sweeps.. and you gotta love the lifelink. I loved the Simulacrums, but was forced to change them out for the spellskite/overgrown battlement because of the Torpor Orb. What do you think?
Any ideas? Anyone?
If anything, board them. Garruk will make sure you have creatures. I love the way these decks work with creature producing planeswalkers. Wipe the board and you'll have all the card advantage you need.. just play your Garruk and / or Grave Titan. As a side note, I'm so glad to see Solemn Simulacrum make the cut. Talk about card advantage!
Black Sun's Zenith might be the answer this deck needs. Your creatures can come back. Their's won't unless they Sun Titan. Mirran Crusaders die to -1/-1 counters as well as their Puresteels, which might just give you the advantage you need to get to lethal.
No prob! Thanks for the suggestions =) I'll let you know when I get this finished and test it out.
I love Urabrask. I have him in my Big Red deck that runs Shrine of Burning Rage and Koth as well as my Rage Extractor Tezz deck. He is .. just .. sick. The lavamancers were an eyesore for me as well. I'm sure they're good and all.. but there's gotta be something better for that card slot. The removal and discard suite is alittle awkward.. I feel as though there should be more removal.. possibly 1 more, and 1 less discard. There is even more in the sideboard. So I'll be doing some light editing.. once I get the cards to do so. I'll check out your "Black Green MACHINE" and see if I can help.
I usually don't do the net deck thing either. But when something is good, I like to put my own spin on it and see if I can make it better. Perfect it. What really sucks is I used to have SO much time to dedicate to deck building. Now? I'm lucky if I get to play a game of magic one time a week much less sit and build decks. Guess that's what happens when you have too many damn interests lol
Yeesh. I was actually just posting it for my records. I plan to modify it. Didn't realize I hit the "Finished deck" option. My bad.
Thanks for the help man. I had Bolt in there.. dunno why I took it out. Preordain? I have enough card draw and tricks. Reliquary tower is coming soon.. I don't own any. Board Wipes? I didn't even think of that aspect for this deck. Do you think I could get away without many and let my opponents do most of the work for me? Or are they that necessary in EDH in general for every deck to have tons of them? Again, I've only played like 3 sessions of EDH and it's all with my friends. We've been playing Magic since Beta, but we're all NOOB when it comes to Commander.
Any suggestions to make this any better?
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