Time Reversal?
Needs a few bombs as win conditions.. maybe Gideon? Board Wipes will wreck your plan.
Yah, Lux cannon only if you're playing proliferate or if you have ways to untap and tap it tons of times in a row..
Brave the Elements FTW!
He's not a Myr, but Steel Overseer would rock in this.
Thank you! =) So far, testing is very good with this deck. The only decks that really give it a huge issue is the Mirror and red deck wins. It does quite well against most others, especially after sideboard. It is surprising, but it's not very often that I get a major manascrew either. Overall, I'd probably rate this deck 8/10. It's not QUITE tourney worthy, but still very good and fun to play.
I love how you listed Chimney Imp twice! lolz It's just that bad@$$
Any ideas on how to slim this down and/or make it better?
Given the great punctuation skills of this guy, I'm guessing this he has no idea what "synergy" means. Sentences go great with commas and periods. Just sayin'. Anyway, being the kind soul that I am, I'll go ahead and give a lesson in magic 101. Synergy n., pl., (-Synergies) 1. The interaction of two or more agents or forces so that their combined effect is greater than the sum of their individual effects. 2. Cooperative interaction among groups, especially among the acquired subsidiaries or merged parts of a corporation, that creates an enhanced combined effect. For those who now know what synergy means... um, wait.. Wtf.. Genesis Wave? Really!? /facepalm
Ok, Spell Pierce and Bonehoard out! Any other ideas?
Baneslayer Angel or Luminarch Ascension in SB? Baneslayer is great against aggro and Luminarch is great against control.
Need to slim it down to 60 cards. Suggestions !?
Me likey! How does this deck do against Caw-Blade, Boros, Valakut? You know, the top tier decks.
Need some help slimming this down to 60 cards.. any ideas?
Test 3 -vs- Red Deck Wins After being sick for the last 3 days, I finally decided to pick this deck back up and test it against another deck. Red Deck Wins. First off, my RDW is heavily based off of a 4 turn win. It has 15 burn spells and Koth if things need to go late game. Most of the time, the deck has already won by then. So, the record was 4-1 out of 5 games.. in favor of RDW!! I'll just say that the Red deck was just too fast and had too much removal for my poor little combo deck. All of my threats were swiftly turned to ash and no game lasted longer than 5 turns. Needless to say, this was an epic fail and my friend playing my RDW deck must have felt like Sephiroth after burning down Nebilheim in FFVII, only this time he'd be holding the corpse of a Myr Welder or two on the end of his blade..
I'm trying to keep this deck Type 2 Standard format, or else I'd definitely use Energy Chamber =D
See the above posts. Situations like that work just like Necrotic Ooze does. It rewrites the card so it would say, U: Untap "card name"
Titan Forge is in the sideboard. I'd love to mainboard it, but I think that Lux Cannon is more important.
Good call! And that was a very enlightening read as well.. I'll have to find a way to fit in Whispersilk Cloak.. hmmm.. but what to take out!?
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