Well, that's the thing. Jace can buy you the time you need and give you the draw power once your hand is close to empty. Plus, he's great to have if THEY have Jace lol. He counters himself haha! Maybe sideboard him and surprise them? I'm not sure yet what's best. Also, I don't think you would have to go all counterspell crazy if you add in Jace, just throw some in the sideboard in case you need them. Either way, I'll definitely let you know how it goes in testing. I'll test both versions and let u know how they play in comparison.
Comments / Suggestions?
I think the addition of Jace over Venser is just too good to let it go.. you don't NEED 4 tho.. 2 or 3 would be great. Also, against aggro.. look to Gideon Jura. Damn is he good in this kind of deck. I posted up a version. Let me know what you think. Still working on the sideboard.
No problem man.. i just think you're onto something here. Unfortunately, that's why the regular version of this deck works so well is the synergy between Jace and the Squadron Hawks. Look it up.. you can potentially draw 3 cards a turn with Jace and the Hawks..
By the way, I like your version MUCH better than the usual. I may have to try making a version of it based off of your infect idea. I think i may play Jace tho, and utilize birds and the infect creatures.. hmmmm..
I think so just because they fly and you know you always have a creature to cast. Only put out one Hawk out at a time, and keep the others in your hand to avoid mass removal spells. Then drop a second Hawk and equip. They destroy it? Do it again. Gives u a good flying creature for at least 4 turns worth of beating. Plus that makes them pay attention to two different threats at once. Hmm.. what to destory? the pesky little Hawk wielding a magic sword? Or the ink spewing Phyrexian beast that's hulked out because of Tempered Steel? Most decks can't do both at once, and if they do pyroclasm or black suns, you have a Spare Hawk in hand ready to go for some Sword fighting =D
Great idea, but I'd drop the core prowler for the Hawks even without Jace in the mix. I'd probably put in both Swords main deck.
-3 Pyretic Ritual +3 Sphere of the Suns?
Ok, deck is at 64 cards. Need to make room for the 2x Mana leaks and 2x stoic rebuttals I just added. Any ideas?
I'll give it a try.. It's playing really good now, and actually the crusaders are almost a win condition by themselves with a sword of body and mind on them. 4/4 infect, protection from everything but black is insane. But I know that's a rare combo.. I'll side them out for mana leaks and test it that way next. Thanks! Keep the comments and suggestions coming =D
Also, the equip cards will work very well with the Crusader and Sparkmage. Do you think the Jace 2.0 would be better here? I Just keep thinking how cool would it be to fire off little jace's ultimate, but that may be overkill..
How about the Phyrexian Crusader? Protection from red/white, first strike with infect? I can use him as a defender for anything pesky trying to attack me. I'm removing 3x pulse tracker for Sea Gate Oracle.
Check out my new deck and let me know what you think: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146825
Great deck. Glint Hawk would work also, and would cost less mana for the same effect.
Also, check out my Grixis Decimator idea and tell me what you think: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146825
Looks good, but I really don't see x4 Tezz and 4x Forgemasters helping you all that much in this deck. 16 doesn't seem like enough artifacts to really warrant putting in 4 of each. Maybe drop tezz to 2 and bump Jace 3 or 4? That way you can add in some everflowing chalice and actually be able to CAST into your 6 or 7 cast cards if something goes wrong. Everything else is looking badass superfly! Check out my Grixis Decimator idea: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=146825
It definitely needs some removal or counters, and 4 of each Jace and Tezz is too much. Try 4 and 3 or even 3 and 3. You could probably get a way with 3 tezz and 2 Jace and be fine. With 23 artifacts and Sphere of the Suns, you could probably be safe adding in 2 Stoic Rebuttal as part of your counterspell cards, along with 2 Mana Leaks. Seems like a good balance.
What does everyone feel about the 2 Jace instead of Preordain? Also, what do you think I should remove to fit in those Mana Leaks?
Ok. Here are another set of changes. -1 Ob Nix -1 Tome Scour -1 Hideous End -2 inkmoth nexus +1 Cunning Sparkmage +2 Scalding Tarn +2 Slagstorm
141-160 of 263 items