I typically think that more counterspells work better than preordains. Jace will give you enough card advantage by himself and the sphinx will help that even more. Gideon is just great when in conjunction with frost titan with his -2 ability, but I love to use his +2 with wall of frosts in play. Make all opponent's creatures attack you and block with wall of frost. then attack with frost titan and start tapping lands/big threats. Next turn you can destroy a tapped creature and then focus on tapping out their lands with frost titans.
Along with the comments above, 4xCelestial Collonade. Also, instead of the Turn Aside, maybe Negate? It hits a much wider range of targets and is a bit less limited than Turn Aside. I think in any U/W control that runs day of judgment, Sun Titan serves better. Cast DoJ and then cast your Titan and start getting back dead cards or keep bringing back you Jace's after using him up. Even Tectonic Edge. The last thing I can suggest is 1 or 2 Gideon Jura. He's just great in the kind of deck you have here.
For a first deck, this is pretty good man. I don't really think you need the dual lands in this deck.. they just slow you down and don't really do anything for you since you don't play any other colors. Stick with Plains and Swamps instead of Drowned Catacomb and Glacial Fortress. Also, change alot of your 1 ofs to 3 or 4 ofs to focus the deck more. For example, don't just put in 1 Black Knight, use 3 or 4. Try to make things more consistent. The best way to do that, is choose the cards that work the best together, and put in 3-4 of them kind of like you did with Ajani's Pridemate. Having only 1 Baneslayer is ok, that card is awesome and even one can be a game changer. All in all, great starting deck.
Thanks for the comments everyone! To help with mana ramp as well as being a 0/4 defender, I have overgrown battlement. Serves a better purpose in my deck design than wall of omens. Yes, the card draw is nice, but the overall effect of ramping faster is much more important. Plus I've added in 4 preordain and already have 2 Foresee. That mixed with Jace's Draw ability should do well enough for card draw. Lotus cobras are in there in place of birds. They just work better here and with birds, that's too much ramp and not enough firepower. Might work for you deck, but not this one. That's thats a job for Primeval Titan + Venser combo =) Added in 2 Arid Mesa to fetch plains and deck thinning.
Same here. I try to be unique and not steal other people's ideas if possible but this idea looks like a good foundation to build upon. With some testing it SHOULD be a quality tourney deck.
@ EtheriumShift: Not yet. But I'll let you know soon. @ lokiluck: It is Craig's Deck. I plan on testing it and making it better. This is just so I have a reference point.
I'd go with "Seriously Expensive" =P Although it does look pretty good. decent Mana curve. Needs 2 Ratchet Bombs. That card is soo soooo good. I underestimated it until I tried it in my U/W Control. It just breaks the other player's early turns if they're playing any kind of ramp. If they're playing Jace, pump it to 4 counters.. if they play Valakut, pump it to 6 for Primeval Titans. AMAZING card.. unless they don't play permanents (damn you red!) but thats ok.. there are other cards to deal with ascension decks.
Great deck man, but i don' think you need 4 Vensers.. try 2 or 3.. if you have one in your hand and one in play its eating up a much need card slot. Try Jounrey to Nowhere and Venser.. great combo. Also Frost Titan. Great idea on the lone missionaries. Lotsa lifegain!
2 Sun Titan Main, sideboard the Linvala. Venser works so well with the Sun creatures. Also, I'd try to include x4 Wall of Omens if possible. You can probably take out, 1 Oust, 1 Baneslayer and 1 Gideon and Venser to fit them in. 3 Gideon is too much. 3 Venser is a lot too. Deck looks great otherwise.
Gideon jura. he works amazing with Venser and Sunblast Angel. I'd replace the angelic arbitor with 2 sunblasts.
High Elves > Skaven any day =P j/k Cool deck man.
Much easier with Splinter Twin and adds an extra piece to the combo if you can pull it off..
I was also thinking of splashing black so I could fit a Necrotic Ooze in here.. and maybe Fauna Shaman so I can draw my combo out?? hmm... and that won't be hard with mostly artifacts in the deck. Might have to drop the Spawnsire idea to do that tho.. I'll just make a new deck around that =/
haha my thoughts exactly. Gonna change it up a bit too.. hmm.. mimic vat in case they break my combo??
Just cause. Go out with style. It's too easy lol
You cloud really benefit from Knight Exemplar, Honor of the pure, and Day of Judgment. Just pop down one Knight Exemplar (Even better if you play 2 so everything is indestructible) then play a Day of Judgment. Everything but your one Exemplar will die leaving the board clear for you to attack.
It'll still leave your other knights in play to chop up the opponent after clearing everything else off the board. I'd say it works just fine.
I like it.. looks fast and powerful.
Knight of the White Orchid for speed. The best way to play it is on the 3rd turn play Knight of the White Orchid first if your opponent has more lands than you, you get a free plains. Then play your land from your hand if you have it. So by the 3rd turn you'll have 4 lands in play 2 of which will be untapped to use! This card rules for mana ramp in knight decks. Also try Knight Exemplar. I haven't lost with my knight deck yet because of it.
Master of the Wild Hunt would be perfect in this deck.
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