Yah, BSZ will not treat this deck well, but that's a chance I'll have to take. Again, I'm not expecting to win any tournaments with this deck, but it would at least make going to a tourney fun if I'm playing it!
Holy comments! Wow, this was busy while I was gone! lol Unfortunately, I didn't get any testing done this weekend.. was sick all weekend so I just laid around playin Assassins Creed Brotherhood lol
Also, I have to say that I really like the Phoenix in this deck just because it has haste. I don't really even care that I can't use it fully for it's Metalcraft ability. It gets the job done very nicely for 4 flying damage.
Test 2 -vs- Caw-Blade My Caw-Blade deck is a mix of different incarnations of the deck. It's fast, it's control, it's just plain good. In a total of 5 games, I have to say that I'm again impressed by this rogue combo deck. It sure puts the fight to anything I've thrown at it so far and doesn't let it forget about it. 3-2 was the final record in games. The hardest thing to get over was obviously in the late game, Gideon Jura and/or Day of Judgment. Gideon made it so hard to beat Caw-Blade because of his +2 ability, all my guys had to attack and he swung for the win. That happened TWICE! I had my board set up nicely with Steel Overseers and Ornithopters pumped up. Tezz on the field drawing me cards, Jace bouncing things and controlling their draws. I had him on the defense the entire game. Then Gideon showed up and, well... that's that. Nothing much I could do once he hit the field. it gave the Caw-Blade deck that one extra attack, landing the Sword of Feast and Famine, untapping and playing Day of Judgment to reset everything to then cast into a Bonehoard and then equipped the sword to it... it was a long hard battle, but Caw-Blade won fair and square. Next test: New Red Deck Wins.
Thanks for the suggestions! I'll definitely look into testing the Elemental Appeal. Great idea.
Oh, also I know they're expensive and they don't have exact matching colors, but a few fetch lands would be awesome for the Emeria Angels for landfall and deck thinning, but I'm sure you already knew that =P
With Honor of the Pure, I'd side out Precursor Golem nearly every game for Hero of Bladehold. It's just better IMO and it costs less for a much more reliable card that won't go down to a bolt, plus the battlecry is awesome and adds to your Emeria Angels and all other tokens.
Okay, I changed a few things around. Maindeck, I removed both Spell Pierce. Any game I've played with them so far, I'd much rather have had Inquisition of Kozilek, so I swapped them in. Sideboard, I took out 2 Duress and added in another Mana Leak and a Spell Pierce.
Dude. I like it a lot. i've been looking for a deck to fit both Grand Architect and Knowledge Pool into. This is just about perfect. Only issue is if you can't get Knowledge pool out. Needs a plan B I think. Tempered Steel? Eldrazi Monument? Something to keep ur dudes alive and make them formidable if you can't go swimming in the pool.
It's VERY unfortunate, but Training Grounds doesn't work with this..
This deck can win by turn 4 consistently, say about 40%. Turn 5 is probably 70% or higher and I'm being a pessimist on those numbers. By that time you'll have their life down significantly and should be able to win via burn or Koth if it goes any later than that. If not, I lose. No biggie. Side in the right cards and play again, likely coming out with a turn 4 - 5 win once I know their deck and add the appropriate cards.
The same deal. That's why there are 15 burn spells in this deck. Beat them down as early and as fast as you can, and sit back and burn them to death if they wipe the board.
I think he means what do I do ABOUT BSZ, not put it in. What does any red deck do about that? Pray you win before they cast it or burn them to death after they do.
Check out mine: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=153008
I just made ur deck popular.. just cause Ninjas ARE cool! lol
There are 3x Manic Vandal in the sideboard for annoying little artifacts such as that.
TEST 1 -vs- Boros Landfall My Boros Landfall deck is fast and has the Squad Hawk/Stoneforge mystic equip package in it. I figured, in terms of speed and raw power, this deck would be the best to start testing with. Played best of 5 games. Boros won 3-2. I have to say, that this deck is resilient tho, and each game lasted at least 9 turns. Lost the last one only because my Boros deck uses Journey to Nowhere and popped that on my nearly completed Myr Welder. Anyway, in each game it was mainly the damn Squadron Hawks that took the win for Boros. Since I didn't have anything that flew in my deck, they just swarmed me, even without the swords equipped it was enough to take down my awesome new combo deck. So, in turn, I threw in the Ornithopters instead of the Signal Pests. With tezz on the field, they become 5/5's and can eat little sword wielding birds alive! Next test: Caw-Blade. I don't expect this one to go very well, but we shall see.. I'll try to post up the results tonight if I get the chance to play against it.
Forget it.. actually Ornithopter is probably the wiser idea to block those pesky Squadron Hawks that I'll surely face.
What does everyone think of Signal Pest instead of Memnite??
Hmm.. green? It MAY make things a little easier but i dunno.. I'm looking for more control and protection and I think white would be better, but I'm just about to test this current version.. so I'll let u guys know how it goes.
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